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Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #11652, comment 5

11/08/13 19:30:51 (11 years ago)


  • Ticket #11652, comment 5

    v1 v2  
    1 Ah, I'd assumed "download" was an "original file" kind of thing and the export / save as options were the translators to other useful formats, and that the raw Pixels/ files weren't much use outside OMERO. A pixels set is usefully downloadable in a more direct form, maybe. I'll look into what's actually stored for this projection, that might be enlightening. (Assuming that the "download" isn't just meant to give the file that was the source of the projection.) 
     1Ah, I'd assumed "download" was an "original file" kind of thing and the export / save as options were the translators to other useful formats, and that the raw Pixels/ files weren't much use outside OMERO. A pixels set is usefully downloadable in a more direct form, maybe. I'll look into what's actually stored for this projection, that might be enlightening. (Assuming that the "download" isn't just meant to give the pre-projection file from which the projection was made.) 

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