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Task #12229 (closed)

Opened 10 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

Bug: OmeroCpp: Fails to link on Windows with Ice 3.4

Reported by: rleigh Owned by: rleigh
Priority: critical Milestone: 5.1.0-m4
Component: OmeroCpp Version: 5.0.1
Keywords: n.a. Cc: John.Webber@…, cpp@…
Resources: n.a. Referenced By: n.a.
References: n.a. Remaining Time: n.a.
Sprint: n.a.



LINK : fatal error LNK1189: library limit of 65535 objects exceeded

We need to know why we have such as vast quantity of exported symbols in the DLL. Does the above build log or the contents of the workspace in http://ci.openmicroscopy.org/view/Experimental/job/OMERO-5.1-merge-win/ws/src/components/tools/OmeroCpp/target/omero/ provide any clue?


  • Ice 3.4 may be exporting more symbols in the slice-generated source than Ice 3.3
  • The model objects may have increased in number and complexity
  • Or a combination of the two may have pushed us over the limit

Still, the number is absurdly high. There's no way anyone would want or need to use all these entry points, so hopefully they can be reduced whatever the cause.

Attachments (10)

omero-client-symbols.txt (24.1 MB) - added by rleigh 10 years ago.
Symbols exported from libomero_client.so (Linux, Ice 3.5, GCC 4.8)
cpp-graph (5.7 KB) - added by rleigh 10 years ago.
Generate dependency graphs from OmeroCpp sources
deps.pdf (27.8 KB) - added by rleigh 10 years ago.
OmeroCpp dependencies (partially simplified)
noice-deps.pdf (19.4 KB) - added by rleigh 10 years ago.
OmeroCpp dependencies (further simplified, stdlib and Ice deps filtered out)
deps-nogroup.pdf (26.2 KB) - added by rleigh 10 years ago.
noice-deps-nogroup.pdf (20.4 KB) - added by rleigh 10 years ago.
omerocpp-cmake.log (3.2 KB) - added by rleigh 10 years ago.
omerocpp-msbuild.log (232.8 KB) - added by rleigh 10 years ago.
cmake/msbuild with dll linkage and header warnings
ice-graph-deps.zip (688.5 KB) - added by rleigh 10 years ago.
Graphing of ice dependencies
ice-graph-dot.zip (71.3 KB) - added by rleigh 10 years ago.

Change History (37)

comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by jamoore

  • Cc John.Webber@… cpp@… added; jamoore John.Webber@… removed
  • Milestone changed from Unscheduled to 5.0.2
  • Owner set to rleigh
  • Priority changed from major to critical

comment:4 Changed 10 years ago by rleigh

Additional data. OmeroCpp on Linux:

-rwxrwxr-x 1 rleigh rleigh 216831423 Apr 28 11:46 libomero_client.so.orig
-rwxrwxr-x 1 rleigh rleigh  76557016 Apr 28 11:46 libomero_client.so.stripped

% nm -D libomero_client.so.orig | wc -l

The shared library is absurdly large, and the number of symbol exports is equally excessive. (By way of comparison, the largest library I can find is QtWebKit? which is 35MiB, and that's an entire web browser engine. The next largest are 10MiB and even these are exceptions.) Summary of exported types:

% nm -D libomero_client.so.orig | sed -e "s;.*\( . \).*;\1;" | sort | uniq -c
   1091  B 
      1  D 
  51685  T 
    459  U 
  21230  V 
      6  w 
  81516  W

The weak symbols are all Ice ctors/dtors and other inlined methods and the vague symbols are all typeinfo objects. The text symbols are all generated Ice methods. So it looks like the bloat here is due to the sheer quantity of "stuff" slice2cpp is generating.

Assuming that this is the same for Windows, and it's unlikely to be significantly different other than how it implements typeinfo and other internal details, the symbol count is way over the 64k limit imposed by the Windows PE-COFF 16-bit symbol ordinals.

Microsoft say that there is no way to increase the limit, and you must split the DLL into a number of separate DLLs to circumvent it.


comment:5 Changed 10 years ago by jamoore

There are certainly some objects we could strip out Roger if you think we could reach the limit that way. All the Prx objects for omero::model for example. If that doesn't do it, libomero_model and libomero_api here we come.

Changed 10 years ago by rleigh

Symbols exported from libomero_client.so (Linux, Ice 3.5, GCC 4.8)

comment:6 Changed 10 years ago by rleigh

Crude breakdown of model symbol counts using the above file:

model: 66388
api: 62967
other: 26633

Note grep for ::api and model:: includes api:: templates specialised for model:: classes; these are included only in the api:: count.

Both model and api are dangerously close to the 16-bit limit. However, the counts may be different on Windows. If we split them, we will need to ensure that no circular dependencies are introduced.

comment:7 Changed 10 years ago by rleigh

Model symbols. Note that the numbers and total are overestimates (by ~1.5×) since some symbols are duplicated between categories.

% for o in $(grep "vtable for omero::model" /tmp/omero-client-symbols.txt | sed -e "s;.*::\(.*\);\1;" | sort); do printf "%6d %s\n" "$(egrep "$o(\$|::|>)" /tmp/omero-client-symbols.txt | wc -l)" "$o"; done
   136 AcquisitionMode
    55 AcquisitionModeI
  3542 Annotation
   586 AnnotationAnnotationLink
    67 AnnotationAnnotationLinkI
   120 Arc
    95 ArcI
   136 ArcType
    55 ArcTypeI
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   136 Binning
    55 BinningI
   120 BooleanAnnotation
   127 BooleanAnnotationI
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    67 ChannelAnnotationLinkI
   530 ChannelBinding
   119 ChannelBindingI
   338 ChannelI
   306 ChecksumAlgorithm
    55 ChecksumAlgorithmI
   494 CodomainMapContext
   104 CommentAnnotation
   127 CommentAnnotationI
   136 ContrastMethod
    55 ContrastMethodI
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    83 ContrastStretchingContextI
   136 Correction
    55 CorrectionI
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    85 DBPatchI
   331 Details
    39 DetailsI
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   119 DetectorI
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   101 DetectorSettingsI
   136 DetectorType
    55 DetectorTypeI
   430 Dichroic
    83 DichroicI
   136 DimensionOrder
    55 DimensionOrderI
   120 DoubleAnnotation
   127 DoubleAnnotationI
   184 Ellipse
   227 EllipseI
   549 Event
   123 EventI
   386 EventLog
    73 EventLogI
   215 EventType
    55 EventTypeI
   252 Experiment
  1740 Experimenter
   396 ExperimenterAnnotationLink
    67 ExperimenterAnnotationLinkI
   757 ExperimenterGroup
   396 ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLink
    67 ExperimenterGroupAnnotationLinkI
   173 ExperimenterGroupI
   199 ExperimenterI
    97 ExperimentI
   136 ExperimentType
    55 ExperimentTypeI
   184 ExternalInfo
    73 ExternalInfoI
   238 Family
    55 FamilyI
   120 Filament
    95 FilamentI
   136 FilamentType
    55 FilamentTypeI
   120 FileAnnotation
   127 FileAnnotationI
   728 Fileset
   396 FilesetAnnotationLink
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   402 FilesetEntry
    71 FilesetEntryI
   227 FilesetI
   424 FilesetJobLink
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   256 FilesetVersionInfo
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   451 FilterSetEmissionFilterLink
    67 FilterSetEmissionFilterLinkI
   451 FilterSetExcitationFilterLink
    67 FilterSetExcitationFilterLinkI
   193 FilterSetI
   136 FilterType
    55 FilterTypeI
   136 Format
    55 FormatI
   120 GenericExcitationSource
    95 GenericExcitationSourceI
   487 GroupExperimenterMap
    73 GroupExperimenterMapI
   136 Illumination
    55 IlluminationI
  2274 Image
   396 ImageAnnotationLink
    67 ImageAnnotationLinkI
   309 ImageI
   216 ImagingEnvironment
    83 ImagingEnvironmentI
   136 Immersion
    55 ImmersionI
   256 ImportJob
   344 ImportJobI
   104 IndexingJob
   163 IndexingJobI
   830 Instrument
   235 InstrumentI
   104 IntegrityCheckJob
   163 IntegrityCheckJobI
  1084 IObject
  2054 Job
   548 JobOriginalFileLink
    67 JobOriginalFileLinkI
   160 JobStatus
    55 JobStatusI
   448 Label
   328 LabelI
   248 Laser
   143 LaserI
   136 LaserMedium
    55 LaserMediumI
   136 LaserType
    55 LaserTypeI
   104 LightEmittingDiode
    89 LightEmittingDiodeI
   478 LightPath
   396 LightPathEmissionFilterLink
    67 LightPathEmissionFilterLinkI
   416 LightPathExcitationFilterLink
    67 LightPathExcitationFilterLinkI
   171 LightPathI
   406 LightSettings
    77 LightSettingsI
   452 LightSource
   184 Line
   227 LineI
 13135 Link
  2130 LinkI
   104 ListAnnotation
   121 ListAnnotationI
   593 LogicalChannel
   187 LogicalChannelI
   120 LongAnnotation
   127 LongAnnotationI
   120 MapAnnotation
   127 MapAnnotationI
   310 Mask
   239 MaskI
   272 Medium
   110 MediumI
   120 MetadataImportJob
   169 MetadataImportJobI
   466 MicrobeamManipulation
   103 MicrobeamManipulationI
   136 MicrobeamManipulationType
    55 MicrobeamManipulationTypeI
   216 Microscope
    83 MicroscopeI
   136 MicroscopeType
    55 MicroscopeTypeI
   356 Namespace
   396 NamespaceAnnotationLink
    67 NamespaceAnnotationLinkI
   139 NamespaceI
   545 Node
   396 NodeAnnotationLink
    67 NodeAnnotationLinkI
   163 NodeI
   108 NumericAnnotation
   542 Objective
   125 ObjectiveI
   200 ObjectiveSettings
    77 ObjectiveSettingsI
   978 OriginalFile
   396 OriginalFileAnnotationLink
    67 OriginalFileAnnotationLinkI
   211 OriginalFileI
   472 OTF
   101 OTFI
   120 ParseJob
   169 ParseJobI
   764 Path
   380 PathI
   409 Permissions
    69 PermissionsI
   136 PhotometricInterpretation
    55 PhotometricInterpretationI
   104 PixelDataJob
   163 PixelDataJobI
  2538 Pixels
   396 PixelsAnnotationLink
    67 PixelsAnnotationLinkI
   369 PixelsI
   451 PixelsOriginalFileMap
    67 PixelsOriginalFileMapI
   311 PixelsType
    61 PixelsTypeI
   626 PlaneInfo
   396 PlaneInfoAnnotationLink
    67 PlaneInfoAnnotationLinkI
   163 PlaneInfoI
   184 PlaneSlicingContext
    89 PlaneSlicingContextI
  1003 Plate
   660 PlateAcquisition
   396 PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLink
    67 PlateAcquisitionAnnotationLinkI
   169 PlateAcquisitionI
   396 PlateAnnotationLink
    67 PlateAnnotationLinkI
   271 PlateI
   249 Point
   215 PointI
   136 Polygon
   209 PolygonI
   136 Polyline
   209 PolylineI
   698 Project
   396 ProjectAnnotationLink
    67 ProjectAnnotationLinkI
   451 ProjectDatasetLink
    67 ProjectDatasetLinkI
   169 ProjectI
   136 Pulse
    55 PulseI
   278 QuantumDef
    71 QuantumDefI
   717 Reagent
   396 ReagentAnnotationLink
    67 ReagentAnnotationLinkI
   181 ReagentI
   200 Rect
   233 RectI
  1006 RenderingDef
   167 RenderingDefI
   148 RenderingModel
    55 RenderingModelI
   120 ReverseIntensityContext
    65 ReverseIntensityContextI
  1012 Roi
   396 RoiAnnotationLink
    67 RoiAnnotationLinkI
   171 RoiI
   763 Screen
   396 ScreenAnnotationLink
    67 ScreenAnnotationLinkI
   223 ScreenI
   451 ScreenPlateLink
    67 ScreenPlateLinkI
   124 ScriptJob
   169 ScriptJobI
  1657 Session
   415 SessionAnnotationLink
    67 SessionAnnotationLinkI
   199 SessionI
   978 Shape
   986 Share
   223 ShareI
   160 ShareMember
    67 ShareMemberI
   200 StageLabel
    77 StageLabelI
   168 StatsInfo
    65 StatsInfoI
   104 TagAnnotation
   127 TagAnnotationI
   120 TermAnnotation
   127 TermAnnotationI
   144 TextAnnotation
   658 Thumbnail
   104 ThumbnailGenerationJob
   163 ThumbnailGenerationJobI
    83 ThumbnailI
   120 TimestampAnnotation
   127 TimestampAnnotationI
   216 TransmittanceRange
    83 TransmittanceRangeI
   108 TypeAnnotation
   120 UploadJob
   169 UploadJobI
   943 Well
   396 WellAnnotationLink
    67 WellAnnotationLinkI
   255 WellI
   451 WellReagentLink
    67 WellReagentLinkI
   664 WellSample
   396 WellSampleAnnotationLink
    67 WellSampleAnnotationLinkI
   145 WellSampleI
   104 XmlAnnotation
   127 XmlAnnotationI

comment:8 Changed 10 years ago by rleigh

Working on how to split up the library, I've added splitting into separate omero-base, omero-api, omero-model and omero-client parts. I've done this on my cmake branch since it's easy to change things around. We can look at backporting to scons once it's working.

I've attached a few graphs of the internal dependencies. There's also a script which can generate different variants; the ones I've attached are heavily filtered to make things readable, omitting all omero-api and omero-model internal dependencies.

The outstanding problem is automatically determining which headers and sources in omero/ (excluding the subdirectories) are directly or indirectly dependent upon (or depending on) the model/api/cmd components. Some need putting in the base component (depended on by model/api) and some need putting in the client component (depending upon model and api). Since this applies to both the static and generated sources, it's not easy to solve. Ideally we would move them to appropriate paths to make it easy to distinguish, but I imagine we don't want to do this since it'll break things. Is this an option for 5.1?

Suggested split

base <- { model <- api } <- client
     <- { cmd          } (not sure if it's worth splitting out)

comment:9 Changed 10 years ago by rleigh

  • Status changed from new to accepted

Changed 10 years ago by rleigh

Generate dependency graphs from OmeroCpp sources

Changed 10 years ago by rleigh

OmeroCpp dependencies (partially simplified)

Changed 10 years ago by rleigh

OmeroCpp dependencies (further simplified, stdlib and Ice deps filtered out)

comment:10 Changed 10 years ago by rleigh

@jamoore the https://trac.openmicroscopy.org.uk/ome/attachment/ticket/12229/noice-deps.pdf attachment is about the best overview I can create of the remaining problems to split the library. There are some unfortunate cycles in here (example: between client and model). Can you see any possibilities for removing these cycles?

Changed 10 years ago by rleigh

Changed 10 years ago by rleigh

comment:11 Changed 10 years ago by rleigh

The noice-deps-nogroup PDF shows the dependencies in an even more simplified form. This ungroups the omero components so they are placed in relation to their dependencies on the cmd/api/model/util modules.

comment:12 Changed 10 years ago by rleigh

Summary of dependency analysis:

Grouping cmd/api/model/util into separate libraries, we are looking at how the remaining components in omero/* relate to them so we can link everything together without cycles. Initially, I was considering a simple split into two pieces, "base" components which are depended upon by cmd/api/model/util and "toplevel" components which depend upon cmd/api/model/util/base. However, the knarly graph shows this isn't currently achievable.

  • Base components
    • Collections
    • Constants
    • FS
    • ModelF
    • ROMIO
    • RTypes
    • Scripts
    • ServerErrors?
    • System
    • ServicesF
    • templates
  • Toplevel components
  • Problematic components
    • API (used by util and toplevel, needs cmd)
    • Repositories (used by api, needs cmd)
    • RTypesI (used by model and toplevel, needs client/clientF/ObjectFactoryRegistrar)
    • ClientErrors? (used by client, util and toplevel; could go in base by seems misplaced)
    • client/clientF/ObjectFactoryRegistrar (should be toplevel, but have model dep via RTypesI)

So the split can be reduced to solving the above few problems. The model/RTypesI/ObjectFactoryRegistrar/Client loop is the most annoying, so if that can be broken, that's great. The others aren't cycles, so it's more a question of where they should live, or if some of the dependencies can be removed to allow them to move to the base or toplevel.


comment:13 Changed 10 years ago by rleigh

The "Shared state" at the end of RTypesI.h looks buggy. These variables are being defined in every translation unit. They should be declared extern in the header and defined in RTypesI.cpp so there's only a single definition... Or better, just define as local statics in the functions which return them since there is absolutely no need for them to be public or global. If this applies to other stuff, it will reduce some of the bloat a little.

comment:14 Changed 10 years ago by rleigh

https://github.com/openmicroscopy/openmicroscopy/pull/2435 opened for the RTypesI problem; not part of the bigger issue doing this split though.

comment:15 Changed 10 years ago by rleigh

Due to the (many) circular dependencies between -common and -api and -model, this splitting is not as simple as initially assumed. The dependency analysis only took into account header includes, and not the hundreds and hundreds of ice forward declarations. Unpicking all these dependencies isn't doable at the C++ level; these are all coming from the Ice slice interface definitions.

At this point: I have split up omero-client into omero-common, omero-model, omero-modelenums, omero-api and omero-client. However, while these compile and link correctly, the circular dependencies result in a large number of unresolved symbols in each library (particularly -common) which cause linker failures building the examples. The libraries aren't usable unless they are linkable, and this requires eliminating all these unresolved symbols. And none of this work addresses the core issue: the obscene symbol count and library size; it's only working around it.

I'm afraid that I don't have any solution to offer at present. The limits we're running into are hard limits built into the Windows linker, and there's no working around that, only reducing the symbol count by either splitting the library up or reducing the number of classes/methods we generate. The former doesn't seem possible at this time, and the latter will probably mean breaking the API. If anyone has any better ideas, please do mention them.

comment:16 Changed 10 years ago by jamoore

  • Milestone changed from 5.0.2 to 5.0.3

We won't make 5.0.2 for this re-working. Pushing.

Changed 10 years ago by rleigh


Changed 10 years ago by rleigh

cmake/msbuild with dll linkage and header warnings

comment:17 Changed 10 years ago by rleigh

See attached cmake build logs. These identify DLL linkage issues with our C++ sources and headers (*not* the Ice generated sources). Possibly a result of moving to cmake if they depend on particular preprocessor defines being set during the build, but I would have expected this to affect the generated sources as well. These might possibly have an effect on the exported symbols.

There are also a number of warnings about the headers defining things multiple times, again in our sources, not the generated sources. These might also have some effect.

@jamoore, any idea what's at fault here, particularly for the dll inconsistecies which are always bugs? Missing explicit export/imports?

comment:18 Changed 10 years ago by jamoore

@rleigh, can you give me an example of what I'm looking for? (Might be easier to chat)

comment:19 Changed 10 years ago by rleigh

Just search for "inconsistent dll linkage" in the omerocpp-msbuild.log attachment.

comment:20 Changed 10 years ago by jamoore

rleigh, off-hand I don't know where these warnings are coming from. components/blitz/blitz_tools.py has:

    if sys.platform == "win32":

If that's not being passed, then that would likely be related. If you think these warnings pre-existed cmake, then we should go back to the scons log and compare.

comment:21 Changed 10 years ago by rleigh

That would make sense. cmake is providing its own define, which does the same thing and which could be used instead.

Changed 10 years ago by rleigh

Graphing of ice dependencies

comment:22 Changed 10 years ago by rleigh

In the attached ice-graph-deps.zip, there are two scripts, ice-parse and ice-graph. In the openmicroscopy source tree, do a full build to generate all ice sources, and then (in the root) run ice-parse. This will scan and dump a complete dependency graph of all direct includes, forward declarations and definitions of all datatypes including classes, interfaces, structs, enums and exceptions with a full set of cross references. Run ice-graph to process this data into a set of graphviz graphs and SVGs. Note that due to the large number of nodes and edges, the graphs aren't very readable, so it has been split into a set of smaller graphs with a subset of the edges to show dependencies to and from the model, api and cmd parts. This is partially summarised in ice-internaldeps.txt which suggests some of the obvious fixes which require making, though it requires more thorough examination to untangle some of the more complex loops.

Note that it might be worth importing the dotfiles into other tools which can visualise them better than graphviz.

comment:23 Changed 10 years ago by rleigh

https://github.com/openmicroscopy/openmicroscopy/pull/2966 is a partial solution for this problem on develop/5.1. A similar solution could be used for 5.0.4 with scons.

This splits up omero-client into a second omero-ice library which contain only the slice-generated sources, leaving the concrete implementations in omero-client. This reduces the symbol count sufficiently to allow linking to work. However, due to still being dangerously close to the 65k threshold (120k/2 and the split won't be exactly half), we can't rely on this working with new Ice versions or new compilers/libraries which may emit more symbols and break again.

I'd like to suggest the following possibilities:
1) Separate the ice definitions into separate common/model/api/cmd/client components but without needing to make any breaking API changes in the concrete implementations other than adjusting includes. This is the minimally invasive approach, adjusting only what's strictly required (e.g. https://github.com/openmicroscopy/openmicroscopy/pull/2965), but has the disadvantage of still leaving a disorganised mess of dependencies--you won't be able to tell from the location of an ice file which library it belongs to--we'd need to hardcode this
2) Split into the same common/model/api/cmd/client components, but reorganise both the ice and source layouts to use common/model/api/cmd/client subdirectories, moving/splitting sources currently at the root into the appropriate component directory. This means that the components and dependencies are explicitly specified and easy to understand for both the end user and the build system making things massively simpler to maintain and use. This will remove the need to do such horrible graphing as above in order to understand how things work.

I previously thought we might need to split the model code, but by splitting the ice-generated code into a separate library, we split it in half anyway. With (2) we could end up with:

omero-api  omero-ice-cmd

omero-ice-api  omero-ice-cmd

with appropriate dependencies. The user can link with whichever are needed. We might not need to actually split into the many libraries--that's almost certainly overkill--but having the formal separation in the source tree would be useful to have, and will enable further splitting in the future as needed without having to break the API again. While I've suggested a common/model/api/cmd/client split above, which was discussed with josh earlier, other splits/naming might be possible/more optimal--the suggestions here are just that a formal split would be desirable; the nature of the split is certainly flexible.

comment:24 Changed 10 years ago by rleigh

To fix for 5.0.4, the scons build needs adjusting:

We have four categories of source:

  1. Static sources in components/tools/OmeroCpp/src
  2. Sources generated from combined.vm
  3. Sources generated from static ice files
  4. Sources generated from ice files generated from combined.vm

At present, 2, 3 and 4 are all stored in components/blitz/generated and then copied en masse to components/tools/OmeroCpp/target. However, we need to split out 3+4 so that they can be build and linked into libomero-ice separately from 1+2 which will be built and linked into libomero-client. The build system needs adjusting to put these into two different locations rather than the single one used at present. Once this is done, it should be fairly simple to make scons create two DLLs.

Changed 10 years ago by rleigh

comment:25 Changed 10 years ago by jamoore

I'd be for working through the naming of comment 23 and the split of comment 24 should be fairly doable via blitz/build.xml

comment:26 Changed 9 years ago by jamoore

Roger: what's the next step for this ticket?

comment:27 Changed 9 years ago by rleigh

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from accepted to closed

I think everything on this ticket is addressed now. It was left open due to the test failures, but I think it can be closed since they are now mostly fixed and not really related to the link errors.

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets. You may also have a look at Agilo extensions to the ticket.

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