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Task #6931 (closed)

Opened 13 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

Investigate bfconvert performance on Windows vs. Linux

Reported by: mlinkert Owned by:
Priority: minor Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Bio-Formats Version: OMERO-5.2.0
Keywords: performance, ScanrReader, OMETiffWriter Cc: ruben.munoz@…
Resources: n.a. Referenced By: n.a.
References: n.a. Remaining Time: n.a.
Sprint: n.a.


From Rubén Muñoz:

Bioformats is much slower on Windows than on Linux. Could that be? I am having this for long time.
Same (local) files, same loci_tools.jar and loci.formats.tools.ImageConverter give 4x slower rates on windows.
Does it have to do with java interpreter. Does it have to do with the filesystem?
-Xmx512m was the only argumet used (no compression).

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 8 years ago by mlinkert

  • Keywords performance ScanrReader OMETiffWriter added
  • Owner mlinkert deleted
  • Version set to OMERO-5.2.0

Given the age of this ticket, it's probably worth verifying the extent to which this is still a problem. The original use case was converting ScanR plates to OME-TIFF, so a first step here would be concrete numbers for running bfconvert on Windows and Linux with the ScanR plate in test_images_good - probably local disk only to start with, and best/worst out of 3-5 runs to see the effects of OS/FS-level caching.

comment:2 Changed 7 years ago by mlinkert

With the v5.6.0-m2 tag and 5 runs of bfconvert test_images_good/scanr/Maik_001/experiment_descriptor.xml plate.ome.tiff :

Linux, local disk:

72.198s elapsed (137.48611+330.22223ms per plane, 3161ms overhead)
38.78s elapsed (55.131943+190.13889ms per plane, 2535ms overhead)
41.291s elapsed (59.65278+199.27083ms per plane, 3098ms overhead)
41.69s elapsed (59.9375+203.98611ms per plane, 2733ms overhead)
39.863s elapsed (56.208332+188.95139ms per plane, 3340ms overhead)

Linux, network disk:

62.417s elapsed (168.92361+236.08333ms per plane, 3317ms overhead)
60.811s elapsed (156.84027+236.14583ms per plane, 3239ms overhead)
68.398s elapsed (163.76389+277.25696ms per plane, 4188ms overhead)
68.976s elapsed (180.16667+255.86806ms per plane, 5076ms overhead)
84.561s elapsed (209.77777+331.38196ms per plane, 5016ms overhead)

Windows, local disk:

105.801s elapsed (66.59028+607.7778ms per plane, 7485ms overhead)
95.472s elapsed (63.86111+571.7986ms per plane, 2839ms overhead)
91.754s elapsed (62.118057+546.1458ms per plane, 2832ms overhead)
93.178s elapsed (63.40972+555.74304ms per plane, 2834ms overhead)
94.7s elapsed (64.25694+564.3542ms, 2972ms overhead)

Windows, network disk:

103.376s elapsed (145.66667+528.2778ms per plane, 5196ms overhead)
100.821s elapsed (144.0625+525.25ms per plane, 3350ms overhead)
107.713s elapsed (147.05556+559.43054ms per plane, 4673ms overhead)
108.523s elapsed (149.92361+569.2361ms per plane, 3784ms overhead)
108.114s elapsed (148.46527+563.0208ms per plane, 4588ms overhead)

This suggests that there is still a noticeable difference between Windows and Linux, with the plane write time alone being the real difference. I don't have a good idea at the moment of why that is the case, but hopefully it narrows the focus for further investigation.

comment:3 Changed 7 years ago by mlinkert

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed
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