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Changes between Version 11 and Version 12 of Ticket #8084

03/08/12 14:48:20 (12 years ago)


  • Ticket #8084 – Description

    v11 v12  
    11These changes are a combination of those from meeting notes, tickets, and the page [wiki:OmeModel/DatabaseComparison] 
     3* ROI: 
    34 * Add "markerstart" to "shape" table 
    45 * Add "markerend" to "shape" table 
    56 * Add "name" to "roi" table 
    6  * Rename "positionX" in "stagelabel" table to "x" 
    7  * Rename "positionY" in "stagelabel" table to "y" 
    8  * Rename "positionZ" in "stagelabel" table to "z" 
    9  * Rename "posX" in "wellsample" table to "x" 
    10  * Rename "posY" in "wellsample" table to "y" 
    117 * Rename "textvalue" in "shape" table to "text" 
    128 * Rename "rx" in "shape" table to "radiusx" 
    139 * Rename "ry" in "shape" table to "radiusy" 
    14  * Rename "mode" in "channel" table to "acquisitionmode" 
    15  * Rename "emissionWave" in "channel" table to "emissionwavelength" 
    16  * Rename "excitationWave" in "channel" table to "excitationwavelength" 
    17  * Rename "illumination" in "channel" table to "illuminationtype" 
    18  * Rename "offsetvalue" in "detector" table to "offset" 
    19  * Rename "offsetvalue" in "detectorsettings" table to "offset" 
    20  * Rename "omename" in "experimenter" table to "username" 
    21  * Rename "pixelstype" in "pixels" table to "type" 
    22  * Rename "pixelstype" in "pixels" table to "type" 
    2310 * Delete "cx" in "shape" (now use "x") 
    2411 * Delete "cy" in "shape" (now use "y") 
    2512 * Delete "g" in "shape" table 
     13 * Delete "fontWeight" in shape table (value needs to be merged with "fontType" see #8119) 
    2614 * Delete "fontStretch" in "shape" table 
    2715 * Delete "strokeDashOffset" in "shape" table 
    3321 * Delete "pixels" in "roi" table 
    3422 * Change "namespaces" in "roi" table, which is currently a list of namespaces to be a single namespace called "namespace" 
     23* SPW: 
     24 * Rename "posX" in "wellsample" table to "x" 
     25 * Rename "posY" in "wellsample" table to "y" 
     26 * Keep "type" and merge in values from "status" in "well" table 
     27 * Delete "status" in "well" table 
     28* Acquisition: 
     29 * Rename "mode" in "channel" table to "acquisitionmode" 
     30 * Rename "emissionWave" in "channel" table to "emissionwavelength" 
     31 * Rename "excitationWave" in "channel" table to "excitationwavelength" 
     32 * Rename "illumination" in "channel" table to "illuminationtype" 
     33 * Rename "offsetvalue" in "detector" table to "offset" 
     34 * Rename "offsetvalue" in "detectorsettings" table to "offset" 
     35 * Rename "positionX" in "stagelabel" table to "x" 
     36 * Rename "positionY" in "stagelabel" table to "y" 
     37 * Rename "positionZ" in "stagelabel" table to "z" 
    3538 * Delete "oft" table and all associated columns 
     40* `Image/Pixels` 
     41 * Rename "pixelstype" in "pixels" table to "type" 
     42 * Rename "pixelstype" in "pixels" table to "type" 
    3643 * Delete "relatedto" in "pixels" table 
    3744 * Delete "methodology" in "pixels" table 
    3845 * Delete "waveIncrement" in "pixels" table 
    3946 * Delete "waveStart" in "pixels" table 
    40  * Keep "type" and merge in values from "status" in "well" table 
    41  * Delete "status" in "well" table 
     47* `Group/Experimenter` 
     48 * Rename "omename" in "experimenter" table to "username" 
    4354 * Deprecate logicalchannel in DB (in next release move contents up to channel) 

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