Warning: Can't synchronize with repository "(default)" (/home/git/ome.git does not appear to be a Git repository.). Look in the Trac log for more information.

help > admin > Permissions

Permissions and Privileges in Agilo

Agilo follows the Permission Approach of Trac and extends it with specific meta permissions that entail all the default actions for a specific Role, like for example: SCRUM_MASTER, PRODUCT_OWNER, TEAM_MEMBER.

Agilo Specific Permissions

Agilo adds some specific permissions that can be assigned to users that needs to access specific feature of the tool. The predefined permissions can be used as they are and encapsulate already a set of basic permissions:

Basic Permissions (Granted to every Agilo Role):

  • ATTACHMENT_VIEW: allows to view attachments
  • BACKLOG_VIEW: allows to view any Backlog
  • DASHBOARD_VIEW: allows to view the Project Dashboard
  • EMAIL_VIEW: allows to view email address of users
  • REPORT_VIEW: allows to view report (View Tickets)
  • ROADMAP_VIEW: allows to view the Roadmap
  • SEARCH_VIEW: allows to search
  • TEAM_VIEW: allows to view the team statistics page
  • TICKET_VIEW: allows to view tickets
  • TIMELINE_VIEW: allows to view Timeline
  • WIKI_VIEW: allows to view the Wiki
  • ATTACHMENT_CREATE: allows the creation of new attachments to every ticket
  • TICKET_CHANGE: allows to change any ticket at all
  • TICKET_MODIFY: allows to change the status of a ticket
  • TICKET_APPEND: allows to add comments to a ticket
  • TICKET_EDIT: allows to access the Edit tab of a ticket page, in Agilo is pre-configured so that:
    • A Ticket Owner can always edit its own tickets
    • A PRODUCT_OWNER can create and edit Requirements and Stories
    • A SCRUM_MASTER can create Tasks and edit Stories as well as Tasks
    • A TEAM_MEMBER can create Stories, create and edit Tasks
    • An TRAC_ADMIN or TICKET_ADMIN can create and edit any ticket
    • for custom ticket types applies what is written in the following paragraph
  • TICKET_EDIT_DESCRIPTION: allows to modify the ticket description after the ticket has been created

Additionally specific Agilo Roles Permissions include:

  • the PRODUCT_OWNER meta permission adds to the Basic Agilo Permissions:
    • BACKLOG_EDIT: Allows to edit a Backlog. Exceptions are made for the Sprint Backlog which belongs explicitly to the Team. Any other Backlog can be edited with this permission
    • CREATE_REQUIREMENT: allows to create a new Requirement
    • CREATE_STORY: allows to create a new Story

  • the SCRUM_MASTER meta permission adds to the Basic Agilo Permissions:
    • CONTINGENT_ADMIN: Allows to create new contingents, and edit and remove them
    • BACKLOG_EDIT: Allows to edit a Backlog. Exceptions are made for the Product Backlog which belongs explicitly to the Product Owner. Any other Backlog can be edited with this permission
    • CREATE_TASK: allows to create a new Task
    • MODIFY_CONTINGENTS: allows to create and modify a Contingent planned for a Sprint
    • SAVE_REMAINING_TIME: allows to save the Remaining Time for every task (used to save the time for all the team members at the Daily Scrum)
    • SPRINT_EDIT: allows to create and edit a Sprint
    • TEAM_CAPACITY_EDIT: allows to edit the capacity for every team member (used to adjust capacity during the Sprint Planning Meeting, with last minute changes)
  • the TEAM_MEMBER meta permission adds to the Basic Agilo Permissions:
    • ADD_TIME_FOR_CONTINGENT: allows to add/book time for a Contingent booked for a sprint in which the team member is working
    • CREATE_BUG: allows to create a Bug
    • CREATE_TASK: allows to create a Task
    • CONTINGENT_ADD_TIME: allows to add or remove time from a contingent

You can build your own roles as Subject assigning all the permission you like and than assign real users to these Subject making them part of a Group. To do so, you can either use the command line tool or the Web Admin interface in case you have installed the AccountManager plug-in, default on Agilo hosted servers and on the virtual appliance.

Custom Types

Agilo allows you to create custom ticket types, and supports you generating the permissions needed to create these types. For example if you create a custom ticket type like 'spike', a new permission 'CREATE_SPIKE' (type name is upper-cased) is added to Trac's permission system. By default only TRAC_ADMIN and TICKET_ADMIN can create tickets with the new type. However, you can give the CREATE_SPIKE permission to any user you like (e.g. if you add the permission to the 'authenticated' group, all authenticated users can create spikes).

Agilo does not enforce any special policies on ticket editing for custom types.

That means everyone with the 'TICKET_MODIFY' permission can edit your custom ticket type. If you like to have additional restrictions for custom types, you need to create a custom IPermissionPolicy like we did with agilo.utils.AgiloPolicy.

Note: Visit the Agilo for trac user group to learn more about specific topics.

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