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help > admin > Team Admin

Team Administration Panel

Location Admin/Agilo/Teams

In Agilo like in Scrum the Team is a fundamental building block to have all the functionality working correctly. A Team is formed by Team Members which are users belonging to the TEAM_MEMBER role (if you want to know more on how to set the permissions have a look at the agilo permissions).

In the Team Administration Panel it is possible to see the Teams currently configured, as well as the number of users which do not belong to any team. A Team is formed with all the resources that are participating actively in a Sprint, which normally do not include the Scrum Master nor the Product Owner.

To add a new Team just enter the Team Name in the Add Team form, and press the button Add. You will enter now the Team Edit form, you can enter there:

  • Description: whatever text you want to explain what this team is doing, this will only appear in the details for a Team in the Team info page
  • Team Members: you can enter a new team member simply adding their username in the Name field, and pressing the button Add. Please note that the name you are adding will be granted automatically the TEAM_MEMBER role. If you also installed the AccountManager plugin (default for Agilo hosting service), you will also be asked - in case the user doesn't exist - if you want to create a new user. This of course will allow you to automatically create new users, assign them the TEAM_MEMBER permissions and assign the user to the current Team. You can also remove a Team Member from the team by selecting the related Remove from team checkbox, and pressing the Submit Changes button that will also save the Description changes.

Team Member Panel

Inside each team you can access details for a specific Team Member, and in the Team Member edit form you will be allowed to set the following:

  • Full Name: this will be shown in place of the username if set
  • Email: the email for the user, which will also be the email at which notifications will be sent
  • Description: something related to the role probably, or the skills of the Team Member
  • Team: this will allow you to remove this user from the current team or assign him to another team. In Agilo a user can only belong to one team at a time
  • Time Sheet: here you can enter the default hours per day, for a week that this Team Member is supposed to contribute to the Team work (please note that the numbers given here are Ideal Hours). These numbers are used to calculate the capacity for the Team during a Sprint Planning Meeting. Every user can modify its own capacity information directly from the Team Preferences tab, as well as entering there specific day capacity in the calendar (e.g.: holidays, half-day work...)
Note: Visit the Agilo for trac user group to learn more about specific topics.

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