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help > admin > Type Admin

Type Administration Panel

Located in Admin/Agilo/Types

Agilo allows you to create your own ticket types, as well as customizing the predefined ticket types. By accessing the Type Administration Panel, you will see the list of all the ticket types entered in the system, if a specific type has not been configured as an agilo type, it will appear as cursive and will have no properties for Alias nor Fields. This can happen because these types may be created by Trac directly or before Agilo was installed in the current project.

Adding a new Ticket Type

If you want to add a new ticket type, you will have to follow the link available ticket types and enter the Trac ticket type panel. Here you can add your new type by filling the Name and pressing the Add button. You can also set which type will be the default type, as well as their order of appearance in the User Interface, wherever they appear as a list. You can also remove a type from the system, which will basically forbid to create new tickets of that type, but will neither remove nor rename the existing tickets, these will continue to have the same type. Now if you want to configure your newly created type, you will have to click on Agilo/Types and there you will see your newly created type, appearing in the list in cursive.

Modify an existing Ticket Type

If you want to configure or modify a new Ticket Type, you will have to choose it from the list of available types, and access the Modify type form. In this form you will be allowed to configure the following:

  • Alias: the alias with which the current Ticket Type will be named in the User Interface (e.g.: 'story' is shown as 'User Story')
  • Fields: here you can choose all the Fields that you want to appear for the chosen type. These Fields can be customized using the Fields Administration Panel
  • Calculate Properties: here you can enter a valid calculated property expression, see next section for more information.

Calculated Properties

Agilo introduces also the concept of calculated properties, that are properties which will be shown on a ticket, but will be literary calculated at runtime, and not stored into the database.

Agilo allows you to use some simple operators to calculate the value of properties, using as operands other tickets properties, for example accessing the linked tickets. To configure these expressions, you will have to use a specific syntax, made from specific operators. On the left side of the expression you will have to enter the name of the property you want to create as Calculated Property and in the right textbox, enter the Agilo expression that should be rendered at runtime. The operators available in Agilo are:

  • sum: allows you to calculate the sum of specific operand, that should be accessible in the Agilo namespace. As an example let's consider the predefined Requirement type created during Agilo installation, which comes with some calculated properties:
      total_story_points = sum:get_outgoing.rd_points|type=story
    This expression will store at runtime in the ticket property total_story_points the value of the sum of the property rd_points of all the linked ticket (to a specific requirement) that are of type story. The expression will tell Agilo at runtime to navigate all the linked tickets to a specific requirement, check if they are of type story (User Story) and than sum up the User Story Points (rd_points) assigned to that story, if any. Shortly let's consider also the mandatory_story_points property, which shows that you can pipe multiple conditions on the expression:
      mandatory_story_points = sum:get_outgoing.rd_points|type=story|story_priority=Mandatory
    In this case only the User Story Points belonging to stories with Importance (story_priority) Mandatory, will be summed up.
  • div: allows to create divisions between two given operands, for example we can consider the roif (Return on Investment Factor) of the Requirement:
      roif = div:businessvalue;mandatory_story_points
    This expression will store in the roif property of a requirement at runtime the result of the division between the Business Value (businessvalue) of the Requirement and the Mandatory Story Points (mandatory_story_points) that is a calculated property of the requirement as well (see above).
  • mov: allows to calculate the result for multiplication of the specified factors , for example we can consider the estimated_remaining_time (Estimated Remaining Time) of a User Story:
    This expression will will calculate the estimated_remaining_time as the result of the multiplication of the User Story Points (rd_points) and Remaining Time/User Story Points ratio calculated for the current sprint.

The Calculated Properties are a very powerful extension, but may also affect performance, especially of the Backlogs, and as well of the Ticket page, in case there are many linked tickets and a lot of calculations on the relations.

If your changes to the calculation formulas don't have any effect, please restart the Agilo server. Trac currently contains no public API so that some Agilo processes might not be aware of changes to the formulas.

Note: Visit the Agilo for trac user group to learn more about specific topics.

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