Warning: Can't synchronize with repository "(default)" (/home/git/ome.git does not appear to be a Git repository.). Look in the Trac log for more information.

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Roadmap and Sprint Planning

The Roadmap View

In the Roadmap /chrome/agilo/images/icon.roadmap.png menu you see Sprints grouped by Releases (milestones). This page does only contain information about Sprints, if you want to learn more about Milestones/releases, please read Trac's roadmap documentation.

For every Sprint Agilo displays some information like the name, the description (if present) and the team assigned to it. Furthermore you can see the time box (start and end date) for the sprint. The progress bar shows the number of stories committed by the team, how many of them are still Open (no work started yet) how many are In Progress (at least one associated task is started) and how many are Closed (completed and valid for the sprint goal).

Create a new Sprint

As a Scrum Master you can create a new Sprint for a milestone by clicking on the 'Add new Sprint' button below the milestone's progress bar.

On the next page you can enter the Sprint's name, the description (you can use wiki formatting here) as well as the date when the sprint will start. The start date can be expressed with time precision to the second, in the locale format configured for the system (if run with tracd as standalone, the locale will be taken from the console, if run in Apache + mod_python it can be set as explained in Trac with mod_python).

You have to specify either the end date or the duration (in business days). Agilo will calculate the End Date excluding the weekends, but not the national holidays (we are not that advanced... yet).

At the bottom you see a select field where you can assign a team for the new sprint (you can do that later too). This is important so that the burndown chart knows the team's capacity.

Modify existing Sprints

A Scrum Master can edit all properties of a sprint from the Sprint's detail page (by clicking the Sprint name in the roadmap) and pushing the 'Edit Sprint' button. Please note that in Scrum you should never extend a Sprint's length after the Sprint started!

It is only save to rename sprints which did not start yet and don't have any tickets assigned!

Attention: Renaming a Sprint may have unwanted side-effects: Due to Trac's denormalized database structure, the rename will not be propagated to other database objects. If you assigned tickets to the Sprint already, these tickets will still have the old sprint name. The same is true for all metrics (e.g. initial commitment, estimated velocity). Therefore renaming a Sprint probably requires some manual intervention in the database. It is only save to rename sprints which did not start yet and don't have any tickets assigned! The same holds true for renaming Milestones in Trac.

Closing a Sprint

When the Sprint is finished, the Scrum Master should explicitly close the sprint by going to the Sprint's detail page (by clicking the Sprint name in the roadmap) and pushing the 'Close Sprint' button. If there are tickets which are not closed yet, you will be asked to which sprint they should be retargeted. If you choose 'None' in the drop down field, the Sprint field of the remaining tickets will just be cleared.

After your confirmation Agilo will compute and store the Team's velocity for later analysis.

Administrator's Interface

As an administrator you can edit the sprint properties in the web admin interface as well which is explained in Agilo's Administration Guide.

Note: Visit the Agilo for trac user group to learn more about specific topics.

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