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{57} Insight Measurement Tool Tickets (17 matches)

Tickets which are likely to be Insight - Measurement Tool related.

Owned (17 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Version Milestone Type Priority Owner Created
#12955 BUG:Measurementtool problems with sdt file from QA 5.1.2 Unscheduled Task minor dlindner 07/03/15
#7973 RFE: Allow movie script to show ROI'S General ROI Task minor jburel 02/02/12
#8119 ROI & ROI Shape upgrade General ROI Task minor jburel 02/23/12
#3653 Big Images: Save Region Insight OMERO-5.2.0 Rendering Task major jburel 12/08/10
#10467 Bug: ROI insight as an ImageJ/Fiji plugin Insight 5.1.1 ROI Task major jburel 02/25/13
#7919 Load region for large image. Insight Unscheduled Task major jburel 01/27/12
#8153 Some level of Automation in assigning ROI Insight OMERO-5.2.0 ROI Task minor jburel 02/28/12
#8154 Presentation of data in the ROI tool Insight OMERO-5.2.0 ROI Task minor jburel 02/28/12
#10328 Bug: ROIs drawn Insight shown to be in wrong place by web client image viewer Insight ROI Task minor jburel 02/06/13
#10528 Bug: Incorrect header size in ROI propagation dialogue Insight ROI Task minor jburel 03/15/13
#10540 Bug: ROI tool line profile and histogram defects Insight ROI Task minor jburel 03/19/13
#10541 Bug: Insight ROI intensity view excel export defects Insight ROI Task minor jburel 03/19/13
#10715 BUG: ROIs - Insight-Web - different appearance and IDs Insight OMERO-5.2.0 ROI Task minor jburel 04/15/13
#11311 BUG: Measurement tool - ROI - Window disappears behind viewer Insight 4.4.8 ROI Task minor jburel 07/25/13
#12767 Bug: OSX Crash Dialogue on saveout from ROI edit Insight 5.0.8 ROI Task minor jburel 03/03/15
#12768 Bug: OSX Crash Dialogue on saveout from ROI edit Insight 5.0.8 ROI Task minor jburel 03/03/15
#13311 BUG: NoSuchMethodError ROIFacility Insight OMERO-5.2.0 Unscheduled Task minor dlindner 11/14/16
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