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Bug #1047 (closed)

Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

Hibernate slowdown in Beta3

Reported by: jamoore Owned by: jamoore
Priority: blocker Cc: cxallan, jrswedlow, jburel
Sprint: n.a.
Total Remaining Time: n.a.


All Hibernate access seems to be signficantly slower in Beta3. This may be due to lucene integration, db changes (annotations,...), etc. Profiling needed.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by jmoore

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

r2680, r2681, r2685, r2687 closes for now.

In looking over various slow queries (like those pointed out by Chris while working on #1051) 3 things showed up:

1. Annotation loading

When a query is made over annotation links, and the annotations themselves aren't loaded, Hibernate will load them one at a time to check the concrete class. I.e.:

    iQuery.findAllByQuery("select p from Pixels p left outer join fetch p.annotationLinks", null);

will results in 1 query for the pixels and annotation links and N (in my case 100) queries for each linked annotation. This can be solved by using:

   ...Pixels p left outer join fetch p.annotationLinks link left outer join link.child...

I tried changing the Hibernate annotations on the objects (@Fetch(JOIN) and @Fetch(EAGER) but couldn't achieve an automatic result.

For the moment this means: Always load annotations even if you don't need them.

2. Ordered collections

Due to an error on my part when I was converting to using Hibernate annotations (r2016) an index was added to ordered collections incorrectly. For example, for Pixels the constraint "UNIQUE (id, image_index)" was added rather than "UNIQUE (image, image_index". This has been corrected in database OMERO3A__9.

Once any link table grows sufficiently large, joins over the links start to suffer. Working with 15K pixels, 100K pixelannotationlinks and 100K annotations, EXPLAIN ANALYZE was returning 1.5+ second times. Adding UNIQUE(parent, child) reduced the times down to ~1.5 milliseconds. However, it is now somewhat difficult to add those unique constraints since duplicate links exist in most databases. Where those links are owned by the same person/group, we can automatically remove them. What do we do if they aren't?

The changes for all link types are available in OMERO3A__10.

Closing this issue. We can decide whether or not we move to OMERO3A__10 elsewhere. If other specific queries prove to be similarly slow, please open a new ticket and outline the problem.

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