User Story #111 (new)
Opened 18 years ago
Last modified 18 years ago
UpdateDataObject might should return initialized hierarchy collections.
Reported by: | jamoore | Owned by: | jamoore |
Priority: | major | Milestone: | Unscheduled |
Component: | API | Keywords: | n.a. |
Cc: | jburel | Story Points: | n.a. |
Sprint: | n.a. | Importance: | n.a. |
Total Remaining Time: | n.a. | Estimated Remaining Time: | n.a. |
Currently updateDataObject(IObject,...) returns a null for the parent or children links because the collection was never initialized.
To do this in a generic way, the Hierarchy class should provide a way to simply walk (not query) the hierarchy structure.
Perhaps the walk could be configured by the collections which are not null in the IObject argument, e.g.:
if Project.DATASETLINKS is null, leave null, else initialize; and if Project.Dataset.IMAGELINKS is null, leave null, else initialize; and ...
This came up concretely in Shoola.
The Image which was passed into the createObject call should have also been fetched.