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Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #11184

07/01/13 22:00:17 (11 years ago)


  • Ticket #11184

    • Property Version changed from to 4.4.8
  • Ticket #11184 – Description

    initial v1  
    1 While preparing the FS workshop for Paris, there were a few surprisingly slow imports. An LEI dataset for example took roughly 100 seconds rather for some 140 files, while the pixel upload was much slower. Watching the stack traces via jstack in at least one instance, pointed at some of the directory creation logic to be taking too long. Perhaps due to one transaction per file? 
     1While preparing the FS workshop for Paris, there were a few surprisingly slow imports. An LEI dataset for example took roughly 100 seconds for some 140 files, while the pixel upload was much slower. Watching the stack traces via jstack in at least one instance, pointed at some of the directory creation logic to be taking too long. Perhaps due to one transaction per file? 
    3 This code path needs to be optimized. Though it's usable, there's no reason any of the OME5 imports should be significantly slower than the OME4 imports. 
     3This code path needs to be optimized. Though it's usable, there's no reason any of the OME5 imports should be significantly slower than the OME4 imports, unless there's significant non-binary data contained in the files. 

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