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Changes between Initial Version and Version 4 of Ticket #11402

03/09/15 09:10:43 (9 years ago)

This may be superseded by https://trello.com/c/1caNiqss/206-prerequisite-versions-tested.


  • Ticket #11402

    • Property Owner changed from jburel to sbesson
  • Ticket #11402 – Description

    initial v4  
    11Users may build and run OMERO components under various circumstances: compilers (Oracle/OpenJDK 6/7, gcc, Visual Studio, etc.), libraries (e.g., Ice), operating systems,  web browsers, etc. With reference to our own installation guide and what is actually observed in our community (perhaps we need to expand data gathering?), we should generate a list of what we should be including in routine testing. 
    3 Indeed, especially with hopefully getting more PowerEdge C6100 CI nodes, expanding automated testing coverage, @sbesson's recent work, etc., it is probably approaching time to generate a matrix of Jenkins jobs against operating systems, software, versions, to ensure that CI nodes cover a wide range of environments that include the likelier. 
     3Indeed, especially with hopefully getting more !PowerEdge C6100 CI nodes, expanding automated testing coverage, @sbesson's recent work, etc., it is probably approaching time to generate a matrix of Jenkins jobs against operating systems, software, versions, to ensure that CI nodes cover a wide range of environments that include the likelier. 
    55(Also, using the current LSC infrastructure, the VMs' slowness might be useful in catching bugs that only present when CPU or IO are slow: that's another environmental variable.) 

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