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Task #11806 (closed)

Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

webclient plugin docs update

Reported by: wmoore Owned by: wmoore
Priority: major Milestone: 5.0.0-rc1
Component: Documentation Version: n.a.
Keywords: n.a. Cc:
Resources: n.a. Referenced By: n.a.
References: n.a. Remaining Time: n.a.
Sprint: n.a.


Since we have fixed a few things in webclient plugins, https://github.com/openmicroscopy/openmicroscopy/pull/1749 docs can be updated for future releases (although not critical since the old workflow still works)

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by wmoore

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

comment:2 Changed 10 years ago by Snoopy Crime Cop <snoopycrimecop@…>

(In [f81418e1a4316073cf5cd0621aa9c663c09c7896/ome.git] on branch develop) Update develop submodules

Repository: openmicroscopy/openmicroscopy
Already up-to-date.

Repository: openmicroscopy/bioformats
Updating e3f13fa..adfe6d7
Merged PRs (fast-forward):

# PR 828 melissalinkert 'Update POM version numbers to 5.0.0-rc1'
# PR 833 hflynn 'Removing 'in transition' banner from docs'
# PR 829 hflynn 'Adding beta2 to version history'
# PR 830 sbesson 'Add section about JVM memory settings under MATLAB'
# PR 825 melissalinkert 'bfopen: store both the global and series metadata in the returned array'
# PR 827 melissalinkert 'Update format pages for 5.0.0-beta2'
# PR 818 melissalinkert 'Last round of fixes for Maven build system'
# PR 819 melissalinkert 'Flex: map server-mapped files to the same directory as metadata files'
# PR 820 joshmoore '7856 flim ann'
# PR 824 melissalinkert 'Imspector: always set the modulo TypeDescription? to "TCSPC"'
# PR 823 melissalinkert 'Zeiss CZI: adjust for incorrectly recorded extra dimensions'
# PR 822 melissalinkert 'ND2: prevent alpha component from being set to 0'
# PR 810 melissalinkert 'Preserve lookup tables when exporting from ImageJ'
# PR 807 melissalinkert 'CellWorx?: ignore thumbnails and missing channel names (rebased onto develop)'
# PR 804 melissalinkert 'Leica LIF: 'C' goes before other dimensions if SizeC and SizeT > 1'
# PR 796 melissalinkert 'Zip: improve reader and handle performance'

Repository: ome/scripts
Already up-to-date.

Repository: openmicroscopy/ome-documentation
Updating 412e806..c5de70d
Merged PRs (fast-forward):

# PR 593 hflynn 'Removing the 'in transition' banner from docs'
# PR 584 manics 'Web config docs 11723 11724'
# PR 590 hflynn '11802 fix - updating what's new for OMERO 5 docs'
# PR 589 sbesson 'Add section about tag plugin in users CLI documentation'
# PR 581 will-moore 'Doc running App from anywhere & CreateApp? refactor'
# PR 591 hflynn 'Removing reference to beta2'
# PR 585 hflynn 'Removing swordfish as root password for VA (rebased onto develop)'
# PR 573 sbesson 'Continous integration fixes'
# PR 578 will-moore 'Django 1.6 for devs 11757'
# PR 583 sbesson 'Improve description of CLI usage as a client'
# PR 580 pwalczysko 'Exchange "Link" for user-friendlier "Mix data" cf. Gus's comment'
# PR 582 will-moore 'update plugin options. See #11806'
# PR 576 sbesson 'Review server upgrade and password provider pages'

Generated by OMERO-submods-develop#268 (http://hudson.openmicroscopy.org.uk/job/OMERO-submods-develop/268/)

comment:3 Changed 10 years ago by Snoopy Crime Cop <snoopycrimecop@…>

(In [75db46b5d43a8e86e93bedb941a0131540d4416b/ome.git] on branch dev_4_4) Update dev_4_4 submodules

Repository: openmicroscopy/openmicroscopy
Already up-to-date.

Repository: openmicroscopy/bioformats
Updating cc20830..c68c4a2
Merged PRs (fast-forward):

# PR 831 sbesson 'Add section about JVM memory settings under MATLAB (rebased onto dev_4_4)'
# PR 813 mtbc 'publish lwf-stubs JAR for lurawave (rebased)'
# PR 808 hflynn 'Tidying ITK user doc page'
# PR 746 melissalinkert 'CellWorx?: ignore thumbnails and missing channel names'
# PR 795 joshmoore 'Add planeInfo=true support to FakeReader?'
# PR 802 mtbc 'fix link to Java Image I/O guide (rebased onto dev_4_4)'

Repository: ome/scripts
Updating 047995f..bef5c0c
Merged PRs (fast-forward):

# PR 58 will-moore '1822 script param fix dev 4 4'

Repository: openmicroscopy/ome-documentation
Updating 2d49b54..38f5a05
Merged PRs (fast-forward):

# PR 595 manics 'Web config docs 11723 11724 (rebased onto dev_4_4)'
# PR 604 sbesson 'Server upgrade bugfix'
# PR 603 will-moore 'Doc running App from anywhere & CreateApp? refactor dev_4_4'
# PR 602 hflynn 'Replace old version Django docs link'
# PR 601 will-moore 'update plugin options. See #11806 dev_4_4'
# PR 599 pwalczysko 'Exchange "Link" for user-friendlier "Mix data" cf. Gus's comment'
# PR 592 sbesson 'Remove reference to toByteArray() function for 4.4.9 doc release'
# PR 588 hflynn 'Removing final ref to logging in as root'
# PR 587 sbesson 'Improve description of CLI usage as a client (rebased onto dev_4_4)'
# PR 571 sbesson 'Document latest OMERO.matlab functions (rebased onto dev_4_4)'
# PR 559 mtbc 'remind that model changes may affect IceMapper? (rebased)'
# PR 570 bpindelski 'Add group and test method execution doc (see #11677) (rebased onto dev_4_4)'
# PR 560 hflynn 'Adding ILdap as requested by Ola'
# PR 562 hflynn 'Tidying script docs & using git links (rebased onto dev_4_4)'
# PR 563 jballanc 'Remove duplicate entries for "blitz" component.'
# PR 555 sbesson 'Fix installation link for Homebrew'

Generated by OMERO-submods-stable#268 (http://hudson.openmicroscopy.org.uk/job/OMERO-submods-stable/268/)

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets. You may also have a look at Agilo extensions to the ticket.

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