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Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Ticket #12473

07/17/14 14:04:06 (10 years ago)


  • Ticket #12473 – Description

    v1 v2  
    33With the current model, the channel name might be a physical hardware parameter (channel ID or filter name) or a general name e.g. CK18-AF594 where with CZI we have a name plus a description.  You could separate the probe (anti-cytokeratin-18) from its flurophore (Alexa 
    4 Fluor 594).  However, CZI's use of channel and name for modelling this isn't particularly self-describing.  We might want to retain the generic channel name and provide additional attributes for the probe and the reporter (which isn't necessarily fluorescent), and possibly also have another generic "description" attribute for detailed description. 
     4Fluor 594).  However, CZI's use of channel name and description for modelling this isn't particularly self-describing.  We might want to retain the generic channel name and provide additional attributes for the probe and the reporter (which isn't necessarily fluorescent), and possibly also have another generic "description" attribute for detailed description. 
    66Also note that there isn't necessarily a 1:1 correspondence between channel and probe/fluor.  Examples include hyperspectral imaging and normal imaging which requires correction for "bleedthrough" between channels.  In these cases, the physical channels used for acquisition require transformation to a set of logical channels which will be equal to or less than the acquisition channel count in number.  We might want to consider modelling this as part of the rendering settings work, or possibly split it out as a separate unit of work. 
    88Modelling suggestions: 
    99- physical channel ID (hardware channel ID/name) 
    10 - logical channel ID (post-correction/unmixing) 
     10- logical channel ID (post-correction/unmixing ID/name) 
    1111- reporter (attach to logical channel if used, otherwise physical channel) 
    1212- probe (attach to logical channel if used, otherwise physical channel) 
     13- additional free-text description for use in the absence of specific reporter/probe metadata 

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