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Task #12766 (closed)

Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

BUG: Slowness when opening QA submission

Reported by: pwalczysko Owned by: jburel
Priority: critical Milestone: 5.1.0
Component: Insight Version: 5.1.0-m1
Keywords: n.a. Cc: ux@…, cblackburn
Resources: n.a. Referenced By: n.a.
References: n.a. Remaining Time: n.a.
Sprint: n.a.


  • in Insight, version 7+ on Mac, import
  • test_images_bad/volocity/3 colour.acff - after the expected Failure and click on Submit button, very long wait occurs (1 minute) - the submission works though fine

Note that the same Submit button (on the Failed submenu) works very quickly when importing Mike from test_images_bad (which has no log file to submit)

From the Insight log:

2015-03-03 13:14:27,033 DEBUG [          o.o.shoola.util.NetworkChecker] ( Thread-19) Cached networkup: true 
2015-03-03 13:14:27,036 DEBUG [          o.o.shoola.util.NetworkChecker] ( Thread-20) Cached networkup: true 
2015-03-03 13:14:29,365 DEBUG [ o.o.s.a.fsimporter.view.ImporterControl] (entQueue-0) Cannot determine domain: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:  
2015-03-03 13:15:14,589 DEBUG [          o.o.shoola.util.NetworkChecker] (1-thread-1) Count: 2  2 
2015-03-03 13:15:14,590 DEBUG [          o.o.shoola.util.NetworkChecker] (1-thread-1) Network status: true (in 1 ms.) use cached value: false 

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by pwalczysko

This works very fast on 5.0.8. Repeated the same also on Windows.
There must be some new feature in 5.1 which makes the popup time of the submission window very long.

comment:2 Changed 10 years ago by jburel

  • Cc cblackburn added

Petr: The error is due to the setId taking a long time.

FormatReader instance = (FormatReader) c.newInstance();

This is the current implementation to determine if it is a plate or not.

If you see that as a blocker, we will have to sort it this week see https://trello.com/c/fdAwQrhk/418-exception-add-spw-field
Colin: how do you think it will take to adjust the events sent by importer?

Last edited 10 years ago by jburel (previous) (diff)

comment:3 Changed 10 years ago by jburel

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed
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