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Task #13283 (new)

Opened 8 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

RFE:: Improve cmd line listusers output

Reported by: pwalczysko Owned by: ux@…
Priority: minor Milestone: FacilityManagers
Component: Usability Version: OMERO-5.2.0
Keywords: n.a. Cc: cblackburn, jamoore, sbesson, mtbcarroll, khgillen
Resources: n.a. Referenced By: n.a.
References: n.a. Remaining Time: n.a.
Sprint: n.a.


bin/omero group listusers
gives too much output

[pwalczysko@ome-c6100-1 OMERO-DEV-latest-deploy]$ bin/omero group listusers 8
Using session bc2178b6-4381-4c54-822e-dacb646dd185 (user-6@eel.openmicroscopy.org:14064). Idle timeout: 10 min. Current group: read-only-1
 id | login   | first name | last name | email | active | ldap  | admin | member of            | owner of 
 0  | root    | root       | root      |       | Yes    | False | Yes   | 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,117 |          
 2  | user-9  | user-9     | user-9    |       | Yes    | False |       | 7                    | 8        
 3  | user-8  | user-8     | user-8    |       | Yes    | False |       | 9,8                  |          
 5  | user-4  | user-4     | user-4    |       | Yes    | False |       | 8                    | 6,853    
 7  | user-6  | user-6     | user-6    |       | Yes    | False | Yes   | 8,9,7,6              |          
 9  | user-3  | user-3     | user-3    |       | Yes    | False |       | 7                    | 8        
 10 | user-2  | user-2     | user-2    |       | Yes    | False |       | 9,8,803              |          
 13 | user-10 | user-10    | user-10   |       | Yes    | False |       | 8                    | 6        
 15 | user-12 | user-12    | user-12   |       | Yes    | False | Yes   | 9,8,7,6              |          
(9 rows)
[pwalczysko@ome-c6100-1 OMERO-DEV-latest-deploy]$ 

instead of having all the columns of the users, more natural would be just to have the columns concerning the group allegiance/ownership. Also, the information should be more pronounced concerning the particular group which was indicated in the original command.
Atm, in cases where the users are members of very many groups, you are left with sifting the lists of each user in both Member and Owner columns looking for "your" group number.

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 8 years ago by pwalczysko

  • Summary changed from RFE: to RFE:: Improve cmd line listusers output

comment:2 Changed 8 years ago by cblackburn

It might have been better if this had been opened as a Trello card along with the other CLI improvements, the Inbox of the DevX board, for instance.

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