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Bug #13327 (new)

Opened 7 years ago

CellH5Writer - Multi series images being overwritten

Reported by: dgault Owned by: dgault
Priority: major Cc:
Sprint: n.a.
Total Remaining Time: n.a.


This issue was first raised on the mailing list - http://lists.openmicroscopy.org.uk/pipermail/ome-users/2017-March/006421.html

The behaviour reported by the user was reproduced using the pki dataset from the Cellworx samples and bfconvert (5.4.0). The issue can also be reproduced however when converting from OME-TIFF or other formats.

From debugging the output image size is far smaller than expected despite the fact that the saveBytes command is called the correct number of times. Each saveBytes command is writing data to the same offset despite the setSeries command having been called by the ImageConverter?. An implementation of setSeries is likely needed in the CellH5Writer.

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