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Changes between Initial Version and Version 3 of Ticket #1434

09/04/09 15:20:15 (15 years ago)

From Sep 04 conf call:

 - permissions (Brian)
  -- private space, and a single or multiple public space?
  -- fine for vast majority of people
  -- private space gets rid of PI concept. perhaps via 600
  -- Donald: no private space?
  -- Brian: can you add more than one boss?
  -- Chris: how does this work with the setting a group to public from private?
  -- quickest option:
   --- uesr only in one group
   --- turn group private or public
   --- server ensures graph-consistency, both group_id and permissions
   --- PI or admin can move group to public
   --- UI: need to know group prespective (don't show data)
   --- ADMIN UI: need to allow upgrade to group visible. can't downgrade
    ---- offering upgrade button
    ---- sending email to all the users??
  -- next stage: either private space or multiple groups.
  -- really a testing issue: moving the component/client tests.
   --- get them green
   --- then modify them as expected


  • Ticket #1434

    • Property Cc bwzloranger atarkowska added
  • Ticket #1434 – Description

    initial v3  
    3535See also: 
    3636 * [https://www.openmicroscopy.org/site/community/minutes/conference-calls/2009/2009-08-21-ome-group-conference-call Aug 21 conf call] 
     37 * [https://www.openmicroscopy.org/site/community/minutes/conference-calls/2009/2009-09-04-ome-group-conference-call Sep 04 conf call] 
    3738 * #1171 

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