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User Story #1636 (new)

Opened 15 years ago

Permissions and rights management

Reported by: omero Owned by: jamoore
Priority: minor Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: General Keywords: n.a.
Cc: Story Points: n.a.
Sprint: n.a. Importance: n.a.
Total Remaining Time: n.a. Estimated Remaining Time: n.a.


Permissions and rights management would expand the potential audience for Omero and its usefulness to current users. It's critical for libraries and repositories, for instance, but also for anyone managing clinical or otherwise restricted data. Even ordinary labs still handle copyright and licensing, and I'm sure they would welcome the ability to do that in Omero.

Increased granularity in permissions management is needed to handle:

  1. The restrictions in between simply public or private
  2. Managing legal copyrights retained or licenses
  3. Managing handling restrictions such as gov classification (Top Secret) or HIPPA
  4. Encryption needed in some cases
    1. I don’t have a great handle on where the encryption needs to happen—to the file, to the entire software installation, to the transmission of the data…

I have a proposed permissions and rights additions to the data model in OME tickets, and I've attached here some mocked-up examples of what a management interface for the software might look like. Changes can be added incrementally--it doesn't all need to get done at once.

Attachments (4)

Copyright.jpg (63.8 KB) - added by omero 15 years ago.
A copyright management screen
CopyrightLicensePopUp.xcf (111.4 KB) - added by omero 15 years ago.
A license management screen
Distribution.jpg (21.6 KB) - added by omero 15 years ago.
A distribution managment screen
Sharing.jpg (46.1 KB) - added by omero 15 years ago.
A local permissions management screen

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (4)

Changed 15 years ago by omero

A copyright management screen

Changed 15 years ago by omero

A license management screen

Changed 15 years ago by omero

A distribution managment screen

Changed 15 years ago by omero

A local permissions management screen

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