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Changes between Version 3 and Version 9 of Ticket #1733

03/01/12 15:33:38 (12 years ago)

Original "Initial public data work" text from #3527:

== Day 3 (Wed., the 17th) ==

Public data disussion
    * Implementation options that were discussed
        * Using the "user" group, i.e. the common space
        * One share per image or one big share
        * Multiple public groups v. one public group
        * Using world flag per row (in addition to group)
        * Subgroups
        * Copy to a public server
        * ACLs
    * Requirements that were discussed
        * Google-able
        * Optional annotations
        * Object URL
        * Collaborative containers
        * Unpublish
        * in-group, between-group, public sharing
        * protecting binary data
    * Other items
        * @@check share performance
        * adding licensing/copyright information on "publication"
        * any form of writing or linking on public data?
        * refactor or rollback or add shares to Insight. Needs UI investigation.
    * Two primary solutions to be investigated
        * Use chgrp for collaboration and row-level world-read for publishing
        * Subgroups


  • Ticket #1733

    • Property Cc omero-team@… added
    • Property Component changed from Web to General
    • Property Priority changed from major to critical
    • Property Owner atarkowska deleted
    • Property Milestone changed from OMERO-Beta4.2 to OMERO-Beta4.4
    • Property Keywords jmoore removed
  • Ticket #1733 – Description

    v3 v9  
    11As the consequence of the sharing data, OMERO needs to allow people to make their data public (accessible in Internet).  
    3 == Usage == 
     3== Web Usage == 
    55User should be able to generate a link to the public data, for example: 

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