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User Story #1970 (new)

Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

FLIM in OMERO — at Version 1

Reported by: dzmacdonald Owned by: dzmacdonald
Priority: n.a. Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Scripting Keywords: FLIM, Collaboration
Cc: jburel, jrswedlow, d.lleres@…, p.schofield@…, geoff@…, jamoore, jos@…, s.hutten@…, A.Visvanathan@… Story Points: n.a.
Sprint: 2010-03-05 (4) Importance: Exciter
Total Remaining Time: 0.0d Estimated Remaining Time: n.a.

Description (last modified by dzmacdonald)

In collaboration with the BioInformatics? group in Dundee we will add FLIM functionality to OMERO.

Current Workflows

Currently users using SPCImage have to go through a number of steps to generate their analysis results.

  1. Draw an ROI around region of interest (cell, part of cell, cell cycle)
  2. Perform analysis in SPCImage
    1. Select cut off for k1
    2. output results to excel where the k1, k2 values are transformed in to E'fret conditon, (1-k1/k2*100)
    3. Generate heat map from E'fret, each map must have min, max set by hand
  3. Repeat for each region of interest
  4. Combine results to get averages for different treatments, cell cycle.

Typically a user will generate 100 fret images per day, each days aquisiton can take up to 2 days to analyse.

OMERO Workflows

  1. In OMERO the user should be able to draw the ROI in different regions on the image
  2. select the fret, no fret images
  3. Run analysis
    1. Generate the Heatmaps and upload/attach in OMERO
    2. Generate the summary results
  4. Allow the visualisation of the chi value to see how good the fits are.
    1. Allow thresholding on chi value to remove from heatmap

This will save users many hours of copying and pasting from SPCImage to Excel, and then Excel to other graphing software.

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by dzmacdonald

  • Description modified (diff)
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