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Task #3250 (closed)

Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

importing ome-tiff

Reported by: jburel Owned by:
Priority: critical Milestone: OMERO-Beta4.2.1
Component: General Version: n.a.
Keywords: n.a. Cc: cxallan, mlinkert, jamoore, bwzloranger, ajpatterson
Resources: n.a. Referenced By: n.a.
References: n.a. Remaining Time: n.a.
Sprint: 2010-11-11 (19)

Description (last modified by jburel)

  • import ome-tiff from QA 2973. Import seems to work but after we have the following exception
    Caused by: omero.InternalException
        serverStackTrace = "ome.conditions.InternalException:  Wrapped Exception: (java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException):
                            Index: 1, Size: 1
                            	at java.util.ArrayList.RangeCheck(ArrayList.java:546)
                            	at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:321)
                            	at ome.logic.RenderingSettingsImpl.resetChannelBindings(RenderingSettingsImpl.java:702)
                            	at ome.logic.RenderingSettingsImpl.resetDefaults(RenderingSettingsImpl.java:535)
                            	at ome.logic.RenderingSettingsImpl.resetDefaults(RenderingSettingsImpl.java:454)
                            	at ome.logic.RenderingSettingsImpl.resetDefaults(RenderingSettingsImpl.java:1233)
                            	at ome.services.RenderingBean$13.doWork(RenderingBean.java:1542)
  • import Ome-tiff from QA 2965. Import ok, black images

Change History (18)

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by jburel

  • Description modified (diff)

comment:2 Changed 14 years ago by jburel

  • Cc bwzloranger added

comment:3 Changed 14 years ago by bwzloranger

  • Description modified (diff)

comment:4 Changed 14 years ago by bwzloranger

Updated BF to 7157 in commit r8549 (which should fix this problem)

comment:5 Changed 14 years ago by jburel

  • Owner set to jburel
  • Status changed from new to assigned

comment:6 Changed 14 years ago by jburel

commit r8549 fixes the first problem
The second one is working, needs to figure out why the channels are black. If I turned then to red and white, I can see what's there.
Closing ticket

comment:7 Changed 14 years ago by jburel

  • Owner jburel deleted
  • Status changed from assigned to new

re-opening. Second one (i.e. QA 2965) is importing
but the metadata are not. If I open the file I can see the following

<?xml version="1.0"?><OME xmlns="http://www.openmicroscopy.org/Schemas/OME/2008-02" xmlns:CA="http://www.openmicroscopy.org/Schemas/CA/2008-02" xmlns:STD="http://www.openmicroscopy.org/Schemas/STD/2008-02" xmlns:Bin="http://www.openmicroscopy.org/Schemas/BinaryFile/2008-02" xmlns:SPW="http://www.openmicroscopy.org/Schemas/SPW/2008-02" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.openmicroscopy.org/Schemas/OME/2008-02 http://www.openmicroscopy.org/Schemas/OME/2008-02/ome.xsd" UUID="urn:uuid:583e4cdd-e828-41d1-a75e-b53caa8876ee"><Experiment ID="urn:lsid:loci.wisc.edu:Experiment:OWS348" Type="PGIDocumentation"><Description>4 Cell Embryo</Description><ExperimenterRef ID="urn:lsid:loci.wisc.edu:Experimenter:116"/></Experiment><Experimenter ID="urn:lsid:loci.wisc.edu:Experimenter:116"><FirstName>Maimoon</FirstName><LastName>Nasim</LastName><Email>mnasim@wisc.edu</Email><Institution></Institution><GroupRef ID="urn:lsid:loci.wisc.edu:Group:3"/></Experimenter><Instrument ID="urn:lsid:loci.wisc.edu:Instrument:OWS1"><Microscope Manufacturer="Nikon" Model="Eclipse TE300" SerialNumber="U629762" Type="Inverted"/><LightSource ID="urn:lsid:loci.wisc.edu:LightSource:OWS1" Manufacturer="Spectral Physics" Model="Tsunami 5W" SerialNumber="2123"><Laser Type="SolidState" LaserMedium="TiSapphire"/></LightSource><Detector ID="urn:lsid:loci.wisc.edu:Detector:OWS1" Type="PMT" Manufacturer="Hamamatzu" Model="H7422"/><Detector ID="urn:lsid:loci.wisc.edu:Detector:OWS2" Type="Photodiode" Manufacturer="Bio-Rad" Model="1024TLD"/><Objective ID="urn:lsid:loci.wisc.edu:Objective:OWS2" Manufacturer="Nikon" Model="S Fluor" SerialNumber="044989"><Correction>PlanApo</Correction><Immersion>Oil</Immersion><LensNA>1.40</LensNA><NominalMagnification>100</NominalMagnification><CalibratedMagnification>100.0</CalibratedMagnification><WorkingDistance>0.13</WorkingDistance></Objective></Instrument><Image Name="tubhiswt" ID="urn:lsid:loci.wisc.edu:Image:OWS348" DefaultPixels="urn:lsid:loci.wisc.edu:Pixels:OWS348"><CreationDate>2005-12-09T17:16:09</CreationDate><ExperimenterRef ID="urn:lsid:loci.wisc.edu:Experimenter:116"/><LogicalChannel ID="urn:lsid:loci.wisc.edu:LogicalChannel:OWS348-1"><LightSourceRef ID="urn:lsid:loci.wisc.edu:LightSource:OWS1"/><DetectorRef ID="urn:lsid:loci.wisc.edu:Detector:OWS1"/><ChannelComponent Pixels="urn:lsid:loci.wisc.edu:Pixels:OWS348" Index="1"/></LogicalChannel><LogicalChannel ID="urn:lsid:loci.wisc.edu:LogicalChannel:OWS348-2"><LightSourceRef ID="urn:lsid:loci.wisc.edu:LightSource:OWS1"/><DetectorRef ID="urn:lsid:loci.wisc.edu:Detector:OWS2"/><ChannelComponent Pixels="urn:lsid:loci.wisc.edu:Pixels:OWS348" Index="0"/></LogicalChannel><Pixels PixelType="uint8" SizeX="512" SizeY="512" SizeZ="1" DimensionOrder="XYZTC" ID="urn:lsid:loci.wisc.edu:Pixels:OWS348" BigEndian="false" SizeC="2" SizeT="1"><TiffData FirstC="0"><UUID FileName="tubhiswt_C1.ome.tif">urn:uuid:1fdb0a1a-5374-46da-bd24-d04e8cbf3175</UUID></TiffData><TiffData FirstC="1"><UUID FileName="tubhiswt_C2.ome.tif">urn:uuid:583e4cdd-e828-41d1-a75e-b53caa8876ee</UUID></TiffData></Pixels></Image></OME>

comment:8 Changed 14 years ago by jburel

  • Description modified (diff)

Sorry for the cut and paste. Just open the content of the file and you will see that the metadata are not imported

comment:9 Changed 14 years ago by jburel

Opening the image in !ImageJ using the loci-plugin, I select metadata only, microscope etc not displayed

comment:10 Changed 14 years ago by jburel


  • metadata are read
  • metadata linked to channel i.e. detector, light source are imported and correctly linked
  • Objective, instrument are read and inserted in the DB but not linked to the image. i.e. image.instrument = null b/c no instrument ref. Question: should we, in that case, insert instrument, objective etc?
  • Nothing in Original metadata file.

comment:11 follow-up: Changed 14 years ago by jburel

Why do the channels are black?
Nothing in the file indicate to set the channel to black but when the image is imported
we have in the channel table, red = green = blue = 0

comment:12 in reply to: ↑ 11 Changed 14 years ago by mlinkert

Replying to jburel:

Why do the channels are black?
Nothing in the file indicate to set the channel to black but when the image is imported
we have in the channel table, red = green = blue = 0

When the OME-XML in the file goes through the 2008-09 -> 2009-09 stylesheet, a default value of "4294967295" is inserted for the values of Channel.Color. When the XML then goes through the 2010-04 -> 2010-06 stylesheet, this value is converted to "-2147483648" (0x80000000). According to the schema documentation, this should correspond to 0xffffffff.

However, in OMEROMetadataStoreClient.setChannelColor, we have:

  Channel o = getChannel(imageIndex, channelIndex);
  Color c = new Color(color);

Because 'color' is 0x80000000, c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), etc. return 0. One option would be to convert the Integer color to a java.awt.Color like this:

  int unsignedColor = color;
  if (unsignedColor < 0) {
    unsignedColor += 2147483647;
    // unsignedColor should now be '0xffffffff' (but you'll want to double-check)
  Color c = new Color(unsignedColor, true);

comment:13 Changed 14 years ago by jburel

Thanks for the clarification, I forgot about the XML conversion discussion.

comment:14 Changed 14 years ago by jburel

  • Cc ajpatterson added

Black images due to a bug in the stylesheet. Adding Andrew to the ticket

comment:15 Changed 14 years ago by ajpatterson

Changed the calculation used in the transform. I thought it had to work in a different way. The up-shot of this was the direction of the negative part of the range was backwards.

comment:16 Changed 14 years ago by ajpatterson

  • Old, the version from the 2010-04 file
  • New-Fix, the version now
  • Bug, the version before this fix
    R   G   B   A       Decimal-Old Hex-Old     Decimal-New-Fix Decimal-Bug
    0   0   0   0       0           00000000    0               0
    0   0   0   255     255         000000FF    255 255
    0   0   255 0       65280       0000FF00    65280           65280
    0   0   255 255     65535       0000FFFF    65535           65535
    0   255 0   0       16711680    00FF0000    16711680        16711680
    0   255 0   255     16711935    00FF00FF    16711935        16711935
    0   255 255 0       16776960    00FFFF00    16776960        16776960
    0   255 255 255     16777215    00FFFFFF    16777215        16777215
    127 255 255 254     2147483646  7FFFFFFE    2147483646      2147483646
    127 255 255 255     2147483647  7FFFFFFF    2147483647      2147483647
    128 0   0   0       2147483648  80000000    -2147483648     2147483648
    128 0   0   1       2147483649  80000001    -2147483647     -1
    128 0   0   2       2147483650  80000002    -2147483646     -2
    128 255 255 254     2164260862  80FFFFFE    -2130706434     -16777214
    128 255 255 255     2164260863  80FFFFFF    -2130706433     -16777215
    129 0   0   0       2164260864  81000000    -2130706432     -16777216
    129 0   0   1       2164260865  81000001    -2130706431     -16777217
    129 255 255 255     2181038079  81FFFFFF    -2113929217     -33554431
    255 0   0   0       4278190080  FF000000    -16777216       -2130706432
    255 0   0   255     4278190335  FF0000FF    -16776961       -2130706687
    255 0   255 0       4278255360  FF00FF00    -16711936       -2130771712
    255 0   255 255     4278255615  FF00FFFF    -16711681       -2130771967
    255 255 0   0       4294901760  FFFF0000    -65536          -2147418112
    255 255 0   255     4294902015  FFFF00FF    -65281          -2147418367
    255 255 255 0       4294967040  FFFFFF00    -256            -2147483392
    255 255 255 254     4294967294  FFFFFFFE    -2              -2147483646
    255 255 255 255     4294967295  FFFFFFFF    -1              -2147483647

comment:17 Changed 14 years ago by jburel

  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

latest version of B-F with new stylesheet fixes the problem of black channel.

comment:18 Changed 14 years ago by cxallan

(In [8593]) Ensure that an RGBA <--> ARGB conversion happens on import and export. (See #3250)

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