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Changes between Initial Version and Version 2 of Ticket #3401

11/17/10 16:32:49 (14 years ago)


  • Ticket #3401

    • Property Cc jmoore added
  • Ticket #3401 – Description

    initial v2  
    33It has been especially noticeable in the Lens, where zooming of  
    4 the image can result in insight running out of ram #773. This is  
     4the image can result in insight running out of ram http://trac.openmicroscopy.org.uk/shoola/ticket/773. This is  
    55due to a bug in the scaling operations in Java using excessive  
    66amounts of ram for the scaling operation and it affects all  
    2626affine transforms.  
     29== Report == 
     31QT: Is very impressive library, but this does not integrate with Swing in MacOsX so we cannot use.  http://labs.trolltech.com/page/Projects/QtJambi/QtJambiAwtBridge JMonkeyEngine: very nice, but has issues with integration with Swing in MacOSX.  http://www.jmonkeyengine.com/jmeforum/index.php?topic=7604.15 JavaFX: Not fast, nor well integrated into JAva Applications, closer to scripting engine. Not impressive. VTK: seems very good, integration issues with Swing, deployment issues. Xith3D: seems to be less maintained, issues with integration with Swing.  
     33 === Metrics on Jogl vs Java2D ===  
     35Some metrics comparing Java2D and JoGL. These metrics are the mean time for retrieval and display over a 1000 planes. 
     39re.renderAsPackedInt(Mean Retrieval Time(ms)): 73 
     40create {{{BufferedImage}}} and render(Mean Time(ms)): 24 
     41Total Time from retrieval to display(Mean Time(ms)): 97 
     44re.renderAsPackedIntAsRGBA(Mean Retrieval Time(ms)): 73 
     45createTexture and render(Mean Time(ms)): 0 
     46Total Time from retrieval to display(Mean Time(ms)): 73 
     49JoGL due to the removal of the  {{{BufferedImage}}} is effectively 30% faster than Java2D. 

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