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Notice: In order to edit this ticket you need to be either: a Product Owner, The owner or the reporter of the ticket, or, in case of a Task not yet assigned, a team_member"

Task #3961 (closed)

Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

Bug: select ... in (:ids) possibly limited

Reported by: jamoore Owned by:
Priority: blocker Milestone: OMERO-Beta4.3
Component: ORM Version: n.a.
Keywords: n.a. Cc: jason, jburel, atarkowska
Resources: n.a. Referenced By: n.a.
References: n.a. Remaining Time: 0.0d
Sprint: 2011-01-27 (4)


Some databases have limits on the number of ids which can be passed to an in clause. If more ids are passed, some possible options are:

  • throw an exception
  • iterate over the list in batches
  • ...

Change History (8)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by jmoore

  • Cc jburel atarkowska added
  • Sprint set to 2011-01-27 (4)

Initial list of locations using this notation (not all of them would necessarily have 1000+ ids):

components/blitz/src/ome/services/blitz/impl/RoiI.java:                			"r.image i join fetch r.shapes where r.id in (:ids)";
components/blitz/src/ome/services/blitz/impl/RoiI.java:            this.and("r.id in (:ids)");
components/blitz/src/ome/services/blitz/impl/ScriptI.java:                    qb.and("o.id not in (:ids) ");
components/blitz/src/ome/services/blitz/impl/TimelineI.java:            + "and share.id in (:ids) "
components/blitz/test/ome/services/blitz/test/DeleteITest.java:        sql = "select i from Annotation as i where i.id in (:ids)";
components/blitz/test/ome/services/blitz/test/DeleteITest.java:        sql = "select i from Annotation as i where i.id in (:ids)";
components/insight/SRC/org/openmicroscopy/shoola/env/data/OMEROGateway.java:				buf.append(" and owner.id in (:ids)");
components/insight/SRC/org/openmicroscopy/shoola/env/data/OMEROGateway.java:				buf.append("where owner.id in (:ids)");
components/insight/SRC/org/openmicroscopy/shoola/env/data/OMEROGateway.java:	            sb.append("where ail.child.id in (:ids)");
components/model/resources/ome/util/actions/default.properties:sql_action.id_not_in=and id not in (:ids)
components/server/src/ome/formats/OMEROMetadataStore.java:    			"where i.id in (:ids)", p);
components/server/src/ome/logic/MetadataImpl.java:        sb.append("where channel.id in (:ids)");
components/server/src/ome/logic/MetadataImpl.java:    	sb.append("where ann.id in (:ids)");
components/server/src/ome/logic/MetadataImpl.java:			sb.append(" and ann.id not in (:ids)");
components/server/src/ome/logic/MetadataImpl.java:				sb.append(" and ann.id not in (:ids)");
components/server/src/ome/logic/PojosImpl.java:                        + " link where link.parent.id in (:ids)"
components/server/src/ome/logic/PojosImpl.java:                                + "where pdl.parent.id in (:ids) order by dil.child.id");
components/server/src/ome/logic/RenderingSettingsImpl.java:			"where pix.id in (:ids)";
components/server/src/ome/logic/RenderingSettingsImpl.java:			"where i.id in (:ids)";
components/server/src/ome/logic/RenderingSettingsImpl.java:			"where p.id in (:ids)";
components/server/src/ome/logic/RenderingSettingsImpl.java:			"where s.id in (:ids)";
components/server/src/ome/logic/RenderingSettingsImpl.java:			"where d.id in (:ids)";
components/server/src/ome/logic/RenderingSettingsImpl.java:			"where p.id in (:ids)";
components/server/src/ome/logic/RenderingSettingsImpl.java:            "rdef.pixels.id in (:ids) and " +
components/server/src/ome/logic/RenderingSettingsImpl.java:            "rdef.pixels.id in (:ids) and " +
components/server/src/ome/services/RawPixelsBean.java:        		"where p.id in (:ids)", new Parameters().addIds(pixelsIds));
components/server/src/ome/services/ThumbnailCtx.java:                "where r.details.owner.id = :id and r.pixels.id in (:ids)",
components/server/src/ome/services/ThumbnailCtx.java:                "and r.pixels.image.id in (:ids)",
components/server/src/ome/services/ThumbnailCtx.java:                "and r.pixels.id in (:ids)",
components/server/src/ome/services/ThumbnailCtx.java:                "and t.pixels.id in (:ids)", params);
components/server/src/ome/services/ThumbnailCtx.java:                "and t.pixels.id in (:ids)", params);
components/server/src/ome/services/ThumbnailCtx.java:                    "select p from Pixels as p where id in (:ids)", parameters);
components/server/src/ome/services/delete/AnnotationDeleteSpec.java:                qb.and("child.id in (:ids)");
components/server/src/ome/services/delete/DeleteBean.java:                            + "where image.id in (:ids) )");
components/server/src/ome/services/delete/DeleteBean.java:                            + "where image.id in (:ids)");
components/server/src/ome/services/query/CollectionCountQueryDefinition.java:                        + (check("ids") ? "where target.id in (:ids)" : "")
components/server/src/ome/services/query/PojosGetImagesQueryDefinition.java:            qb.and("img.id in (:ids)");
components/server/src/ome/services/query/PojosGetImagesQueryDefinition.java:            qb.and("ds.id in (:ids)");
components/server/src/ome/services/query/PojosGetImagesQueryDefinition.java:            qb.and("prj.id in (:ids)");
components/server/src/ome/services/query/PojosLoadHierarchyQueryDefinition.java:            sb.append("where this.id in (:ids)");
components/server/src/ome/services/sharing/BlobShareStore.java:                .createQuery("select id, data from Share where id in (:ids)");
components/server/src/ome/services/sharing/ShareBean.java:        qb.and("share2.id in (:ids) and share2.id in ");
components/server/src/ome/services/sharing/ShareBean.java:        qb.and("share.id in (:ids)");
components/server/src/ome/services/sharing/ShareBean.java:                    + "where e.id in (:ids)", new Parameters()
components/server/src/ome/services/sharing/ShareBean.java:         * "join fetch sh.details.owner where sh.id in (:ids) ",
components/server/src/ome/services/sharing/ShareBean.java:                        + "join fetch sh.owner where sh.id in (:ids) ",
components/server/test/ome/server/itests/sharing/SharingTest.java:        String sql = "select im from Image im where im.id in (:ids) order by im.name";
components/server/test/ome/server/utests/QueryBuilderMockTest.java:        qb.and("img.id in (:ids)");
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:	        sb.append("select p from WellSample as p where p.id in (:ids)");
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:	        sb.append("select p from Image as p where p.id in (:ids)");
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:	        sb.append("select p from WellSample as p where p.id in (:ids)");
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:	        sb.append("select p from Image as p where p.id in (:ids)");
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:    	String sql = "select i from Image as i where i.id in (:ids)";
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:    	String sql = "select i from Image as i where i.id in (:ids)";
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:    	String sql = "select i from Plate as i where i.id in (:ids)";
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:    	sql = "select d from Shape as d where d.id in (:ids)";
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:    	sql = "select d from Shape as d where d.id in (:ids)";
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:    		sql = "select i from Annotation as i where i.id in (:ids)";
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:		    	sql = "select i from Annotation as i where i.id in (:ids)";
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:		sb.append("select p from WellSample as p where p.id in (:ids)");
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:		sb.append("select p from Image as p where p.id in (:ids)");
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:		sb.append("select i from Annotation as i where i.id in (:ids)");
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:    	        sb.append("select p from WellSample as p where p.id in (:ids)");
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:    	        sb.append("select p from Image as p where p.id in (:ids)");
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:    	    	sb.append("select i from Annotation as i where i.id in (:ids)");
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:    	sql = "select i from Image i where i.id in (:ids)";
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:    	sql = "select d from Dataset d where d.id in (:ids)";
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:    	sql = "select i from Image i where i.id in (:ids)";
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:    	String sql = "select a from Annotation as a where a.id in (:ids)";
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:    	sb.append("select i from Annotation as i where i.id in (:ids)");
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:            sql = "select i from Annotation as i where i.id in (:ids)";
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:            sql = "select i from Annotation as i where i.id in (:ids)";
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:            sql = "select i from Annotation as i where i.id in (:ids)";
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:            sql = "select i from Annotation as i where i.id in (:ids)";
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:            sql = "select i from Annotation as i where i.id in (:ids)";
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:            sql = "select i from Annotation as i where i.id in (:ids)";
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:            sql = "select i from Annotation as i where i.id in (:ids)";
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:            sql = "select i from Annotation as i where i.id in (:ids)";
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:		sql += "where a.id in (:ids)";
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:		sql += "where a.id in (:ids)";
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:    	sb.append("where i.id in (:ids)");
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:    	sb.append("where i.id in (:ids)");
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:    	sb.append("where i.id in (:ids)");
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:    	sb.append("where i.id in (:ids)");
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:    	sb.append("where i.id in (:ids)");
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:    	sb.append("where i.id in (:ids)");
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:    	sb.append("where i.id in (:ids)");
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:    	sb.append("where i.id in (:ids)");
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:    	sb.append("where i.id in (:ids)");
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:    	sb.append("where i.id in (:ids)");
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:    	sb.append("where i.id in (:ids)");
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:    	sb.append("where i.id in (:ids)");
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:    	sb.append("where i.id in (:ids)");
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:    	sb.append("where i.id in (:ids)");
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:    	sb.append("where i.id in (:ids)");
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:    	sb.append("where i.id in (:ids)");
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/DeleteServiceTest.java:    	String sql = "select a from Annotation as a where a.id in (:ids)";
components/tools/OmeroJava/test/integration/RenderingSettingsServiceTest.java:		"where p.id in (:ids)";
components/tools/OmeroPy/src/omero/gateway/__init__.py:        sql = "select e from ExperimenterGroup as e where e.id in (:ids)"
components/tools/OmeroPy/src/omero/gateway/__init__.py:        sql = "select e from ExperimenterGroup as e where e.id in (:ids)"
components/tools/OmeroPy/src/omero/gateway/__init__.py:        sql = "select im from Image im join fetch im.details.owner join fetch im.details.group where im.id in (:ids) order by im.name"
components/tools/OmeroPy/src/omero/gateway/__init__.py:        sql = "select ds from Dataset ds join fetch ds.details.owner join fetch ds.details.group where ds.id in (:ids) order by ds.name"
components/tools/OmeroPy/src/omero/gateway/__init__.py:        sql = "select pr from Project pr join fetch pr.details.owner join fetch pr.details.group where pr.id in (:ids) order by pr.name"
components/tools/OmeroPy/src/omero/gateway/__init__.py:        sql = "select pl from Plate pl join fetch pl.details.owner join fetch pl.details.group where pl.id in (:ids) order by pl.name"
components/tools/OmeroPy/src/omero/util/cleanse.py:			"select o.id from %s as o where o.id in (:ids)" % self.object_type,
components/tools/OmeroPy/test/integration/ishare.py:        sql = "select im from Image im where im.id in (:ids) order by im.name"
components/tools/OmeroPy/test/integration/ishare.py:              "where ds.id in (:ids) order by ds.name"
components/tools/OmeroWeb/omeroweb/webclient/webclient_gateway.py:            sql = "select e from Experimenter as e where e.id in (:ids)"
components/tools/OmeroWeb/omeroweb/webclient/webclient_gateway.py:        sql = "select e from ExperimenterGroup as e where e.id in (:ids)"
components/tools/OmeroWeb/omeroweb/webclient/webclient_gateway.py:        sql = "select im from Image im join fetch im.details.owner join fetch im.details.group where im.id in (:ids) order by im.name"
components/tools/OmeroWeb/omeroweb/webclient/webclient_gateway.py:        sql = "select ds from Dataset ds join fetch ds.details.owner join fetch ds.details.group where ds.id in (:ids) order by ds.name"
components/tools/OmeroWeb/omeroweb/webclient/webclient_gateway.py:        sql = "select pr from Project pr join fetch pr.details.owner join fetch pr.details.group where pr.id in (:ids) order by pr.name"
components/tools/OmeroWeb/omeroweb/webclient/webclient_gateway.py:        sql = "select sc from Screen sc join fetch sc.details.owner join fetch sc.details.group where sc.id in (:ids) order by sc.name"
components/tools/OmeroWeb/omeroweb/webclient/webclient_gateway.py:        sql = "select pl from Plate pl join fetch pl.details.owner join fetch pl.details.group where pl.id in (:ids) order by pl.name"
components/tools/OmeroWeb/omeroweb/webclient/webclient_gateway.py:                "where wl.id in (:ids)"
components/tools/OmeroWeb/omeroweb/webclient/webclient_gateway.py:        sql = "select a from TagAnnotation a where a.id in (:ids) "
components/tools/OmeroWeb/omeroweb/webclient/webclient_gateway.py:        sql = "select a from CommentAnnotation a where a.id in (:ids) "
components/tools/OmeroWeb/omeroweb/webclient/webclient_gateway.py:        sql = "select a from FileAnnotation a where a.id in (:ids) "
components/tools/OmeroWeb/omeroweb/webclient/webclient_gateway.py:                "where ds.id in (:ids) order by ds.name"
components/tools/OmeroWeb/omeroweb/webclient/webclient_gateway.py:            sql = "select im from Image im join fetch im.details.owner join fetch im.details.group where im.id in (:ids) order by im.name"
components/tools/OmeroWeb/omeroweb/webclient/webclient_gateway.py:                  "where e.id in (:ids) order by e.omeName"

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by jmoore

  • Status changed from new to accepted

comment:3 Changed 13 years ago by jmoore

  • Remaining Time set to 1

comment:4 Changed 13 years ago by jmoore

Quite a bit of discussion on the forums / bug trackers, but not much in the way of corrections, especially not for HQL (one patch that doesn't apply exists for Criteria).

comment:5 Changed 13 years ago by jmoore

Here are the values which don't match ":id":

~/code/git $ git grep -E '[[:space:]]in[[:space:]]\(.*:.*\)' -- '*.py' '*.java' | grep -v :ids 
components/insight/SRC/org/openmicroscopy/shoola/env/data/OMEROGateway.java:			sql += "where g.name in (:names)";
components/insight/SRC/org/openmicroscopy/shoola/env/data/OMEROGateway.java:					sb.append(" and link.child.id in (:childIDs)");
(4 more times)
components/insight/SRC/org/openmicroscopy/shoola/env/data/OMEROGateway.java:	            	sb.append(" and img.details.owner.id in (:ownerIds)");
components/insight/SRC/org/openmicroscopy/shoola/env/data/OMEROGateway.java:	                		+" where m.parent.id in (:gids)", p);
components/server/src/ome/logic/MetadataImpl.java:    		sb.append(" and ann.ns is not null and ann.ns in (:include)");
components/server/src/ome/logic/MetadataImpl.java:    		sb.append(" and (ann.ns is null or ann.ns not in (:exclude))");
components/server/src/ome/logic/MetadataImpl.java:		sb.append(" and ann.ns is not null and ann.ns in (:include)");
components/server/src/ome/logic/MetadataImpl.java:			sb.append(" and (ann.ns is null or ann.ns not in (:exclude))");
components/server/src/ome/logic/PojosImpl.java:            + "where img in (:list)";
components/server/src/ome/logic/PojosImpl.java:            + "where p in (:list)";
components/server/src/ome/services/delete/AnnotationDeleteSpec.java:                and.and(alias + ".ns in (:excludes)");
components/server/src/ome/services/delete/BaseDeleteSpec.java:     * delete ROOT2 where id in (select ROOT2.id from C join C.b ROOT1 join b.a ROOT0 where ROOT0.id = :id)
components/server/src/ome/services/search/SearchAction.java:                qb.and(String.format("%sid in (:%s) ", path, unique));
components/server/src/ome/services/sessions/SessionManagerImpl.java:            sb.append("and s.userAgent in (:agents) ");
components/tools/OmeroPy/src/omero/gateway/__init__.py:                "exists ( select gem from GroupExperimenterMap as gem where gem.child = e.id and gem.parent.id in (:gids)) order by e.omeName"
(1 more time)
components/tools/OmeroPy/test/integration/search.py:                "where im.id in (:oids) " \
components/tools/OmeroPy/test/integration/tickets2000.py:               "and ev.id in (select id from Event where experimenter.id=:uid and time > :start and time < :end)"
components/tools/OmeroWeb/omeroweb/webclient/webclient_gateway.py:        sql = "select g from ExperimenterGroup as g where g.name not in (:default_names)"
components/tools/OmeroWeb/omeroweb/webclient/webclient_gateway.py:              "where tag.id in (:tids)"
(4 more times)
components/tools/OmeroWeb/omeroweb/webclient/webclient_gateway.py:                "and a.details.group.id=:gid and (a.ns not in (:nss) or a.ns is null) "
(5 more times)

comment:6 Changed 13 years ago by jmoore

  • Owner jmoore deleted
  • Status changed from accepted to new

comment:7 Changed 13 years ago by jmoore

  • Remaining Time changed from 1 to 0
  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

Added new method: SqlAction.rewriteHql which gets a chance to modify any HQL. At the moment, it's looking for (:ids) where the "ids" argument is a list with more than 500 items. This will need some cleaning up and refactoring, but seems to work. Commit will occur with the story.

comment:8 Changed 12 years ago by jmoore <josh@…>

(In [b1e65fc735c3902d624eafa0ff889c72ccead5f1/ome.git] on branch develop) Add HQL rewrite to SqlAction for large in-clauses (Fix #3961)

  • omero.db.temp_ids
  • handling of other names: childID, etc.
  • test postgres dialect
  • try performance difference for PG
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