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Task #591 (new)

Opened 17 years ago

Last modified 17 years ago

Impossible to correlate service log output

Reported by: jamoore Owned by: jamoore
Priority: major Milestone: Unscheduled
Component: Services Version: 3.0-Beta1
Keywords: logging, cleanup Cc:
Resources: n.a. Referenced By: n.a.
References: n.a. Remaining Time: n.a.
Sprint: n.a.


With multiple users, it is impossible to correlate the various statements related to a single call:

  13:42:25,717 INFO  [ServiceHandler] Meth: foo
  13:42:25,717 INFO  [ServiceHandler] Args: [[B@28b24ebd]
  13:42:25,769 INFO  [EventHandler]   Auth:  user=1,group=2,event=381(User)
  13:42:25,788 INFO  [ServiceHandler] Rslt: true

could just as easily be:

  13:42:25,717 INFO  [ServiceHandler] Meth: foo
  13:42:25,717 INFO  [ServiceHandler] Meth: bar
  13:42:25,717 INFO  [ServiceHandler] Args: [[B@28b24ebd]
  13:42:25,717 INFO  [ServiceHandler] Args: [[B@28b24ebd]
  13:42:25,769 INFO  [EventHandler]   Auth:  user=1,group=2,event=381(User)
  13:42:25,769 INFO  [EventHandler]   Auth:  user=2,group=2,event=381(User)
  13:42:25,788 INFO  [ServiceHandler] Rslt: true
  13:42:25,788 INFO  [ServiceHandler] Rslt: false


  1. Add security context to each exception
  2. Add a correlation ID

Problems with (1):

  • Requires adding a serializable field which implies a serialVersionUID bump. (The field is necessary because by the time that some logging occurs, the user has already been logged out.) Adding the security context is not a bad idea, but should be done in concert with further exceptin changes.

Problems with (2):

  • This needs to be enforced on all logging statements which should be done in concert with #169 and other logging restructuring.

Probably add a correlation ID to the output mentioned above. Further changes can be made.

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 17 years ago by jmoore

r1236 now produces output like:

  13:42:25,717 INFO  [ServiceHandler] 142385577::62 Meth: foo
  13:42:25,717 INFO  [ServiceHandler] 142385577::62 Args: [[B@28b24ebd]
  13:42:25,769 INFO  [EventHandler]   142385577::62 Auth: user=1,group=2,event=381(User)
  13:42:25,788 INFO  [ServiceHandler] 142385577::62 Rslt: true

Sub-optimal, but can be improved.

comment:2 Changed 17 years ago by jmoore

  • Keywords cleanup added
  • Milestone changed from 3.0-Beta2 to 3.0-RC1
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