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Task #6237 (closed)

Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

Improve CellWorX openBytes performance

Reported by: mlinkert Owned by: mlinkert
Priority: critical Milestone: OMERO-Beta4.3.2
Component: Bio-Formats Version: n.a.
Keywords: n.a. Cc: cxallan
Resources: n.a. Referenced By: n.a.
References: n.a. Remaining Time: 0.0d
Sprint: 2011-07-21 (1)


If the pixels are stored in TIFF files, then openBytes delegates to FileStitcher? (eventually delegating to ImageReader?), so we end up calling isThisType() on nearly every reader just to read files that we *know* are TIFFs.

It would be a lot faster to force FileStitcher?'s delegate readers to only use MinimalTiffReader? (or TiffDelegateReader?).

Change History (6)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by Melissa Linkert <melissa@…>

  • Remaining Time changed from 0.5 to 0
  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

(In [1b48b883fe1ba53c63ef9b39043f9a7b082502db/bioformats.git]) Speed up calls to CellWorxReader?.openBytes().

There are two basic changes:

  • Readers are cached across calls to openBytes, so that there is only one call to FileStitcher?.setId() per series in the common case. Previously, there was always one call to FileStitcher?.setId() for every call to openBytes().

Closes #6237.

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by Melissa Linkert <melissa@…>

(In [1b48b883fe1ba53c63ef9b39043f9a7b082502db/bioformats.git]) Speed up calls to CellWorxReader?.openBytes().

There are two basic changes:

  • Readers are cached across calls to openBytes, so that there is only one call to FileStitcher?.setId() per series in the common case. Previously, there was always one call to FileStitcher?.setId() for every call to openBytes().

Closes #6237.

comment:3 Changed 13 years ago by Melissa Linkert <melissa@…>

(In [e0219a587da55b6e0a9f2970e2c10bcf44eb6edc/bioformats.git]) Speed up calls to CellWorxReader?.openBytes().

There are two basic changes:

  • Readers are cached across calls to openBytes, so that there is only one call to FileStitcher?.setId() per series in the common case. Previously, there was always one call to FileStitcher?.setId() for every call to openBytes().

Closes #6237.
(cherry picked from commit 1b48b883fe1ba53c63ef9b39043f9a7b082502db)

comment:4 Changed 13 years ago by Melissa Linkert <melissa@…>

(In [e0219a587da55b6e0a9f2970e2c10bcf44eb6edc/bioformats.git]) Speed up calls to CellWorxReader?.openBytes().

There are two basic changes:

  • Readers are cached across calls to openBytes, so that there is only one call to FileStitcher?.setId() per series in the common case. Previously, there was always one call to FileStitcher?.setId() for every call to openBytes().

Closes #6237.
(cherry picked from commit 1b48b883fe1ba53c63ef9b39043f9a7b082502db)

comment:5 Changed 13 years ago by Melissa Linkert <melissa@…>

(In [ea25ce88dee994f61ec719b1f9c1ce645022f8c7/bioformats.git]) Speed up calls to CellWorxReader?.openBytes().

There are two basic changes:

  • Readers are cached across calls to openBytes, so that there is only one call to FileStitcher?.setId() per series in the common case. Previously, there was always one call to FileStitcher?.setId() for every call to openBytes().

Closes #6237.

comment:6 Changed 13 years ago by Melissa Linkert <melissa@…>

(In [ea25ce88dee994f61ec719b1f9c1ce645022f8c7/bioformats.git]) Speed up calls to CellWorxReader?.openBytes().

There are two basic changes:

  • Readers are cached across calls to openBytes, so that there is only one call to FileStitcher?.setId() per series in the common case. Previously, there was always one call to FileStitcher?.setId() for every call to openBytes().

Closes #6237.

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