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Task #6751 (closed)

Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

Write an example showing how to save TIFFs with pre-compressed pixels

Reported by: mlinkert Owned by: mlinkert
Priority: minor Milestone: OMERO-4.4
Component: Documentation Version: n.a.
Keywords: n.a. Cc: mahogny@…
Resources: n.a. Referenced By: n.a.
References: n.a. Remaining Time: 0.0d
Sprint: n.a.


In particular, if a set of JPEGs already exist, we need an example that shows how to turn them into an OME-TIFF without decompressing and then recompressing the pixels.

Change History (8)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by Melissa Linkert <melissa@…>

(In [48dc77dbcc44273f5ad9adf340ae707316691caf/bioformats.git]) Add another method signature that allows us to write pre-compressed pixels.

By setting nChannels to the number of RGB channels and setting
'copyDirectly' to true, you can write pre-compressed data to a TIFF
file. If the 'copyDirectly' flag is set, then all of the pixel data
manipulation is bypassed and whatever was passed in is written directly
to the TIFF file.

See #6751.

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by Melissa Linkert <melissa@…>

  • Remaining Time set to 0
  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

(In [81d0b5948b632032e01df425815810a3f55d0108/bioformats.git]) Add an example that illustrates writing pre-compressed planes.

Closes #6751.

comment:3 Changed 13 years ago by Melissa Linkert <melissa@…>

(In [48dc77dbcc44273f5ad9adf340ae707316691caf/bioformats.git]) Add another method signature that allows us to write pre-compressed pixels.

By setting nChannels to the number of RGB channels and setting
'copyDirectly' to true, you can write pre-compressed data to a TIFF
file. If the 'copyDirectly' flag is set, then all of the pixel data
manipulation is bypassed and whatever was passed in is written directly
to the TIFF file.

See #6751.

comment:4 Changed 13 years ago by Melissa Linkert <melissa@…>

(In [81d0b5948b632032e01df425815810a3f55d0108/bioformats.git]) Add an example that illustrates writing pre-compressed planes.

Closes #6751.

comment:5 Changed 13 years ago by Melissa Linkert <melissa@…>

(In [13f9f2bf7e434704a08b3dca0df87bf1511aa5eb/bioformats.git]) Add another method signature that allows us to write pre-compressed pixels.

By setting nChannels to the number of RGB channels and setting
'copyDirectly' to true, you can write pre-compressed data to a TIFF
file. If the 'copyDirectly' flag is set, then all of the pixel data
manipulation is bypassed and whatever was passed in is written directly
to the TIFF file.

See #6751.
(cherry picked from commit 48dc77dbcc44273f5ad9adf340ae707316691caf)

comment:6 Changed 13 years ago by Melissa Linkert <melissa@…>

(In [458556056b68472457acefc87cc1935d3855a464/bioformats.git]) Add an example that illustrates writing pre-compressed planes.

Closes #6751.
(cherry picked from commit 81d0b5948b632032e01df425815810a3f55d0108)

comment:7 Changed 13 years ago by Melissa Linkert <melissa@…>

(In [13f9f2bf7e434704a08b3dca0df87bf1511aa5eb/bioformats.git]) Add another method signature that allows us to write pre-compressed pixels.

By setting nChannels to the number of RGB channels and setting
'copyDirectly' to true, you can write pre-compressed data to a TIFF
file. If the 'copyDirectly' flag is set, then all of the pixel data
manipulation is bypassed and whatever was passed in is written directly
to the TIFF file.

See #6751.
(cherry picked from commit 48dc77dbcc44273f5ad9adf340ae707316691caf)

comment:8 Changed 13 years ago by Melissa Linkert <melissa@…>

(In [458556056b68472457acefc87cc1935d3855a464/bioformats.git]) Add an example that illustrates writing pre-compressed planes.

Closes #6751.
(cherry picked from commit 81d0b5948b632032e01df425815810a3f55d0108)

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