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Task #8800 (closed)

Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

Bug: canEdit etc True then False

Reported by: wmoore Owned by: jamoore
Priority: critical Milestone: OMERO-4.4
Component: Security Version: n.a.
Keywords: n.a. Cc: atarkowska, cxallan
Resources: n.a. Referenced By: n.a.
References: n.a. Remaining Time: 0.0d
Sprint: 2012-05-22 (15)


I retrieve an image within the Blitz ImageWrapper?, calling canEdit() and canAnnotate() initially return True


return self.getDetails().getPermissions().canEdit()

but other calls on the imageWrapper in the template cause future canEdit() etc methods to return False. So we see that even in the same html template, some canEdit()s return True at the top of the page and False at the bottom (see screenshot).

Either of the two intervening methods in this case is enough to cause the bug. They are:

    def countArchivedFiles (self):
        """ Returns the number of Original 'archived' Files linked to primary pixels. Value is cached """

        if self._archivedFileCount is None:
            pid = self.getPixelsId()
            params = omero.sys.Parameters()
            params.map = {"pid": rlong(pid)}
            query = "select count(link.id) from PixelsOriginalFileMap as link where link.child.id=:pid"
            count = self._conn.getQueryService().projection(query, params, self._conn.CONFIG['SERVICE_OPTS'])
            self._archivedFileCount = count[0][0]._val
        return self._archivedFileCount


    def openAstexViewerCompatible(self):
        Is the image suitable to be viewed with the Volume viewer 'Open Astex Viewer' applet?
        Image must be a 'volume' of suitable dimensions and not too big.
        from django.conf import settings 
        MAX_SIDE = settings.OPEN_ASTEX_MAX_SIDE     # default is 400
        MIN_SIDE = settings.OPEN_ASTEX_MIN_SIDE     # default is 20
        MAX_VOXELS = settings.OPEN_ASTEX_MAX_VOXELS # default is 15625000 (250 * 250 * 250)

        if self.image is None:
            return False
        sizeZ = self.image.getSizeZ()
        if self.image.getSizeC() > 1: return False
        sizeX = self.image.getSizeX()
        sizeY = self.image.getSizeY()
        if sizeZ < MIN_SIDE or sizeX < MIN_SIDE or sizeY < MIN_SIDE: return False
        if sizeX > MAX_SIDE or sizeY > MAX_SIDE or sizeZ > MAX_SIDE: return False
        voxelCount = (sizeX * sizeY * sizeZ)
        if voxelCount > MAX_VOXELS: return False

        try:    # if scipy ndimage is not available for interpolation, can only handle smaller images
            import scipy.ndimage
        except ImportError:
            logger.debug("Failed to import scipy.ndimage - Open Astex Viewer limited to display of smaller images.")
            MAX_VOXELS = (160 * 160 * 160)
            if voxelCount > MAX_VOXELS: return False

        return True

Attachments (1)

Screen shot 2012-05-15 at 10.48.58.png (74.7 KB) - added by wmoore 12 years ago.
canEdit True (top) and False (bottom)

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (2)

Changed 12 years ago by wmoore

canEdit True (top) and False (bottom)

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by Will Moore <will@…>

  • Remaining Time set to 0
  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

(In [f940d90b59e527b0a02669dc1098f3725026d090/ome.git] on branch develop) Blitz ImageWrapper?.loadedHotSwap uses omero.group:gid. Fixes #8800

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