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Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #918, comment 10

06/21/13 20:55:54 (11 years ago)


  • Ticket #918, comment 10

    initial v1  
    88To be done on the OMERO side: 
    9 * Add ImageJ awareness, so that an ImageJ installation on the server side (or one on another server) can be detected and/or configured. OMERO needs to launch an `imagej-omero-server` process and tell it to refresh the stubs. It also needs to query the metadata for each stub at some point, for storage into the OMERO DB. Once that is done, the available ImageJ commands will be available for use from OMERO clients. Lastly, it needs to be able to spawn a new `imagej-omero-server` process whenever execution of an ImageJ command is desired. 
     9* Add ImageJ awareness, so that an ImageJ installation on the server side (or one on another server) can be detected and/or configured. OMERO needs to launch an `ij-omero-server` process and tell it to refresh the stubs. It also needs to query the metadata for each stub at some point, for storage into the OMERO DB. Once that is done, the available ImageJ commands will be available for use from OMERO clients. Lastly, it needs to be able to spawn a new `ij-omero-server` process whenever execution of an ImageJ command is desired. 
    1111(Technical side-note: we actually operate on ImageJ `Module`s rather than ImageJ `Command`s because a Command is simply one type of Module. There may be others. So we use the ImageJ `ModuleService` to do the heavy lifting. As long as the `Module`'s `ModuleInfo` implements ImageJ's `Identifiable` interface, it can be represented as a stub on disk for later reference by OMERO.) 

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