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Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #918, comment 7

06/19/13 21:22:07 (11 years ago)


  • Ticket #918, comment 7

    initial v1  
    1 This morning I talked to Lee Kamentsky about using the CellProfiler-ImageJ integration (an in-process solution) for the Python scripts to invoke ImageJ. The good news is that the integration is a quite general [https://github.com/CellProfiler/CellProfiler/blob/83eafdb657edbc2d1c5cf75992daf694bebd84ed/cellprofiler/utilities/javabridge.pyx Python-Java bridge] with [https://github.com/CellProfiler/CellProfiler/blob/83eafdb657edbc2d1c5cf75992daf694bebd84ed/cellprofiler/utilities/jutil.py higher-level utility access] and [https://github.com/CellProfiler/CellProfiler/blob/83eafdb657edbc2d1c5cf75992daf694bebd84ed/imagej/imagej2.py ImageJ2-specific usage]. The bad news is that it completely well-separated from the CellProfiler core right now, so there would be some effort to split it out (which Lee plans to do eventually anyway). I [http://code.imagej.net/chatlogs/imagejdev?times=prefix&start-date=2013-06-19&start-time=1140&end-date=2013-06-19&end-time=1246 chatted about this] with leekamentsky and dscho on #imagejdev. 
     1This morning I talked to Lee Kamentsky about using the CellProfiler-ImageJ integration (an in-process solution) for the Python scripts to invoke ImageJ. The good news is that the integration is a quite general [https://github.com/CellProfiler/CellProfiler/blob/83eafdb657edbc2d1c5cf75992daf694bebd84ed/cellprofiler/utilities/javabridge.pyx Python-Java bridge] with [https://github.com/CellProfiler/CellProfiler/blob/83eafdb657edbc2d1c5cf75992daf694bebd84ed/cellprofiler/utilities/jutil.py higher-level utility access] and [https://github.com/CellProfiler/CellProfiler/blob/83eafdb657edbc2d1c5cf75992daf694bebd84ed/imagej/imagej2.py ImageJ2-specific usage]. The bad news is that it is not completely well-separated from the CellProfiler core right now, so there would be some effort to split it out (which Lee plans to do eventually anyway). I [http://code.imagej.net/chatlogs/imagejdev?times=prefix&start-date=2013-06-19&start-time=1140&end-date=2013-06-19&end-time=1246 chatted about this] with leekamentsky and dscho on #imagejdev. 
    33Josh Moore also later chimed in, stating that he is in favor of a solution that does not require jumping back and forth from Python. We are planning to chat about how best to accomplish that tomorrow. 

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