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Changes between Initial Version and Version 4 of Ticket #91

07/14/06 10:22:01 (18 years ago)

r766 introduces several new fixes for this. In general, everyone should avoid looking up services (or really anything) directly from an OmeroContext and especially from the global, static OmeroContext.

Now several methods rather than taking strings take generic service interfaces if the form:

  public <T extends ServiceInterface> T lookup(Class<T> klass);

This is achieved by all service beans being named "<prefix>:<interface>" where prefix is currently "managed" or "internal". There are also two ServiceFactory subclasses (InternalServiceFactory and ManagedServiceFactory) which will only return the respective services.


  • Ticket #91

    • Property Status changed from new to assigned
    • Property Component changed from API to Configuration
    • Property Summary changed from Property names should be available as fields to Property names and bean lookups should not be raw strings
    • Property Version changed from 3.0-M1 to 3.0-M2
    • Property Milestone changed from to 3.0-M3
    • Property Keywords changed from to spring
  • Ticket #91 – Description

    initial v4  
    66 * ... 
    8 should be available somewhere for static checking. This needed necessarily be a single interface, but rather in some sensible location. 
     8should be available somewhere for static checking. This need not necessarily be a single interface, but rather in some sensible location. 
     10There is a similar need for looking up services by name. 

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