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Requirement #9818 (closed)

Opened 12 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

fslite (phase 0 of FS)

Reported by: jamoore Owned by:
Priority: blocker Milestone: 5.0.2
Component: Services Keywords: n.a.
Cc: omero-team@… Business Value: n.a.
Total Story Points: n.a. Roif: n.a.
Mandatory Story Points: n.a.


This requirement breaks down phase-0 of the whole FS requirement as defined under #2128. Stories are multiply linked here and under #2128 in order to provide a cleaner overview of the status of 4.5.

The primary goal of fslite is to have all client imports consist solely of uploading files to OMERO as OriginalFiles with human-readable paths (/OMERO/ManagedRepository/<user>/<date>/some.dir/some.file) and then registering for server-side import. The managed repository is not (yet) intended for user-consumption. Instead, it is intended to:

  1. Reduce the duplication caused by the parsed data of /OMERO/Pixels;
  2. Provide a recovery-mechanism for system administrators in the case of a total loss of the OMERO DB;
  3. and, as a result, increase the overall user-trust in OMERO to allow for deletion of the initially acquired data.

In order to facilitate the later phases of FS as described under #2128, several issues must be addressed:

  1. All files must be registered with the security system to prevent unauthorized access.
  2. Newly created directories (.../some.dir-1/...) created due to naming conflicts caused by imports of similar directory structures should be sensible to the average user.

Attachments (3)

fs-demo-1-2013-02-01.png (1.3 MB) - added by jmoore 12 years ago.
Will's screenshot from FS demo 1
fs-demo-2-2013-02-27.png (1.2 MB) - added by pwalczysko 12 years ago.
Petr's screenshot from FS Demo 2
fs-demo-2-2013-02-27b.png (155.0 KB) - added by pwalczysko 12 years ago.
Petr's screenshot from FS Demo 2 b

Change History (5)

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by jburel

  • Milestone changed from OMERO-4.5 to OMERO-5

Changed 12 years ago by jmoore

Will's screenshot from FS demo 1

Changed 12 years ago by pwalczysko

Petr's screenshot from FS Demo 2

Changed 12 years ago by pwalczysko

Petr's screenshot from FS Demo 2 b

comment:2 Changed 10 years ago by jamoore

  • Milestone changed from 5.x to 5.0.2
  • Resolution set to fixed
  • Status changed from new to closed

Considering phase 0 good and well done with 5.0.0, and well improved over the patch releases. The few remaining stories will either be closed (moved to trello) or doubly-linked elsewhere.

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