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Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #9835

11/01/12 11:53:56 (12 years ago)


  • Ticket #9835

    • Property Cc sbesson rleigh added
  • Ticket #9835 – Description

    initial v1  
    66== Front Page == 
    77 * Is the link to genomebiology for "OME Data Model" on the front page really the best link? (also first paragraph under Goal of B-F). (Maybe this comes post-BF as a general "OME-XML" doc effort") 
    8  * Should "Troubleshooting" under "Help" explain that it's help for devs, not users? 
    9  * Is it clear enough from the front page how to get to the installation documentation? 
    119== User == 
    1210 * "Other applications" could use a really nice table possibly with logos. 
    13  * The Dataset structure table is lost at the bottom. This is a pretty important concept that could use some explaining. 
    14  * ``users/bio-formats-downloads.txt`` I would probably have renamed ``downloads.txt`` 
    15  * Likely remove the explicit 2 links from the ``user-info.txt`` page in favor of having everything on ``downloads.txt`` 
    16  * The downloads section in general isn't really readable. 
    17  * ``|image4| Daily build`` is a typo on the downloads page. 
    18  * ``features.txt`` should likely mention imagej (e.g. ``bf-features-in-imagej.txt``). Perhaps an imagej subdirectory would be better, or a consistent naming scheme. (``imagej-*.txt``) 
     11 * The Dataset structure table is a pretty important concept that could use some explaining. 
     12 * Consider renaming the imagej pages to something more memorable (cf. bf-features-in-imagej.txt). Perhaps an imagej subdirectory would be better, or a consistent naming scheme. (``imagej-*.txt``) 
    1913 * Similarly, the OMERO section which is just a bullet point should be moved "top-level". 
    2115== Developers == 
    22  * First bullet points under "API documentation" have an extra gap because the javadocs are a link while the other is a toctree. Perhaps restructure the text to link to the javadocs inline? 
    23  * Similar to the downloads page, ``java-library.txt`` will need a table of some sort. 
     16 * First bullet points under "API documentation" have an extra gap because the "More thorough examples" are a link while the other is a toctree. Perhaps restructure the text to link inline? 
    2417 * http://www.openmicroscopy.org/site/support/bio-formats-staging/developers/service.html shows the weird yellow CSS issue. (Not sure why) 
    25  * services & dependency injection is likely not the first thing that developers need to encounter. A general re-ordering is probably in order. 
    26  * Possibly link to a query of known issues rather than hard-code the files? (See http://www.openmicroscopy.org/site/support/bio-formats-staging/developers/export.html. Up to Melissa) 
    2819== New content (separate PR?) == 

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