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Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #9935

11/22/12 12:06:16 (11 years ago)


  • Ticket #9935 – Description

    initial v1  
    1 If a user is a member of a large number of groups it can be impossible to reach the bottom of the group list to change groups depending on the size of the browser window (group1.png). Resizing without refreshing doesn't help (group2.png). Resizing and then refreshing will give access to the latter groups if it is possible to make the browser window big enough (group3.png) - this may not be possible on netbooks, tablets, etc.. Following group3.png if the browser window is shrunk without refreshing even fewer groups are accessible as the list doesn't scroll  (group4.png). 
     1If a user is a member of a large number of groups it can be impossible to reach the bottom of the group list to change groups depending on the size of the browser window (groups1.png). Resizing without refreshing doesn't help (groups2.png). Resizing and then refreshing will give access to the latter groups if it is possible to make the browser window big enough (groups3.png) - this may not be possible on netbooks, tablets, etc.. Following groups3.png if the browser window is shrunk without refreshing even fewer groups are accessible as the list doesn't scroll  (groups4.png). 

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