Warning: Can't synchronize with repository "(default)" (/home/git/ome.git does not appear to be a Git repository.). Look in the Trac log for more information.

Welcome to the OME Trac

This is the ticket system for the OME Project.

For general info on the OME Project and guides for users of the software, please see the main OME web-site at http://www.openmicroscopy.org. You can also follow the project development on https://trello.com/ome.

The various OME project initiatives are:

Front Icon Box


A client-server platform for image management & visualisation, supporting clients in Java, Python, C++ and Matlab.
Front Icon Box


A Java library for reading and writing image files. Reads pixel data and image metadata from a large number of biological image file formats.
See Bio-Formats
Front Icon Box

Data Model

A common data model for image data and metatada implemented as OME-TIFF & OME-XML and used by OMERO & Bio-Formats.
See OME model

This wiki is based on 'trac' for handling tickets, planning etc. If you want to log-in anonymously to create tickets etc, use username and password 'omero'. If you are unfamiliar with Trac, see TracStart for an introduction.

Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on 10/13/17 16:51:20

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