Warning: Can't synchronize with repository "(default)" (/home/git/ome.git does not appear to be a Git repository.). Look in the Trac log for more information.

Available Reports

Custom Query

Compose a new ticket query by selecting filters and columns to display.

SQL reports and saved custom queries Sort by: Identifier Title

{4} Assigned, Active Tickets by Owner

List assigned tickets, group by ticket owner, sorted by priority.

{6} Top-Annoying Bugs (TAB)

Bugs marked with the keyword "TAB", or "top-annoying bug".

{7} QA Bugs / User feedback!

Open items in the "from QA" component. These are machine generated by http://qa.openmicroscopy.org.uk

Developers should handle these tickets as quickly as possible, moving them into the appropriate component and assign valid owners. Once the component has changed from "from QA" they will no longer show up in this report.

{8} BUGS! EEK!!

Lists all open tasks (not stories) which are prefixed with "bug" ("BUG:", "bug:", "Bug:", etc) in the current milestone. They are ordered by creation date to show how long they have stuck around.

{10} Top-level open tickets (5.1)

Tickets grouped into Requirements, Stories, Tasks which are NOT linked by an open, higher-level ticket in this milestone. (If any bugs have been created by accident these will appear first. Please change them to "Tasks").

From this list, all tickets that are in this milestone are reachable. If a top-level item is closed or moved to another milestone BUT it still contains tickets in the current milestone, those will then appear.

{11} Top-level open tickets (Future)

Tickets grouped into Requirements, Stories, Tasks which are NOT linked by an open, higher-level ticket in this milestone. (If any bugs have been created by accident these will appear first. Please change them to "Tasks").

From this list, all tickets that are in this milestone are reachable. If a top-level item is closed or moved to another milestone BUT it still contains tickets in the current milestone, those will then appear.

{24} My Tickets by Sprint

{34} My tickets by milestone

{36} My Tickets

This report demonstrates the use of the automatically set $USER dynamic variable, replaced with the username of the logged in user when executed.

{39} All tickets of your interest (shows open)

{44} Bio-Formats tickets

{45} Low-hanging fruit

Tickets which are good starting points for new developers or external contributors.

{46} Current issues: FS

A list of items which can be shared with external developers to get a feel for what the current problems are with "Develop". At the moment, the "develop" branch is focused on FS (#9818) and therefore FS-related bugs are listed.

{49} Externally reported tickets

These are tickets which have external emails CC'd and are still open. Likely these should be checked on frequently in order to respond swiftly to the community.

{50} Externally reported bugs

These are tickets which have external emails CC'd and are still open. Likely these should be checked on frequently in order to respond swiftly to the community.

{51} Externally reported bugs older than 6 months

These are tickets which have external emails CC'd and are still open. Likely these should be checked on frequently in order to respond swiftly to the community.

{53} Unowned tickets

Tickets with no owner assigned

{54} Reader Report

{55} Top-level open tickets (5.2)

Tickets grouped into Requirements, Stories, Tasks which are NOT linked by an open, higher-level ticket in this milestone. (If any bugs have been created by accident these will appear first. Please change them to "Tasks").

From this list, all tickets that are in this milestone are reachable. If a top-level item is closed or moved to another milestone BUT it still contains tickets in the current milestone, those will then appear.

{56} Insight Tickets

Tickets which are likely to be Insight related.

{57} Insight Measurement Tool Tickets

Tickets which are likely to be Insight - Measurement Tool related.

Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.

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