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Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #12965, comment 10

09/11/15 08:40:07 (9 years ago)


  • Ticket #12965, comment 10

    initial v1  
    1 For chgrp of datasets that would split a MIF, unless you set `includeType={'Image'}` you wouldn't normally get an exception, it would instead simply unlink those MIF images from the dataset and leave them behind. You /could/ do a dry run move of the dataset to see which images would get unlinked, then try a dry run move of their fileset to see which annotations would be left behind. That move of the images might still fail for some other reason, though: for instance, before we solve the problem of moving an image but not its projection. 
     1For chgrp of datasets that would split a MIF, unless you set `includeType={'Image'}` you wouldn't normally get an exception, it would instead simply unlink those MIF images from the dataset and leave them behind. You //could// do a dry run move of the dataset to see which images would get unlinked, then try a dry run move of their fileset to see which annotations would be left behind. That move of the images might still fail for some other reason, though: for instance, before we solve the problem of moving an image but not its projection. 

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